For a Greater Good

“For this perhaps is why he was parted from you for a while, that you might have him back forever.” – Philemon 1:15

When we experience frustrations and disappointments, we seldom think that perhaps God is planning to use them for a greater good. And yet, He often does. By nature, we’re so focused on the here and now, that it’s hard for us to trust in a bigger picture and greater good we can’t yet foresee. We must learn to cultivate the supernatural peace of the Spirit over the natural response of our flesh.

Paul helps us see God’s big-picture plan at work in this verse. Onesimus had run away from Philemon, but that turned out to be so he could meet Jesus through Paul. A temporary frustration resulted in eternal fellowship, all to the glory of God. Likewise, in the book of Acts, chapter 15 describes an argument about traveling with John Mark that divided Paul from Barnabas. However, by the end of his ministry, Paul was fully reconciled to Mark and considered him very important to his ministry. Such are the mysteries of God’s good will and plan as it unfolds across years and centuries!

Remember this whenever you experience a setback, defeat, or relational break that’s disappointing, frustrating, or downright maddening. Try to release those feelings. Trust that God can work any situation to His glory and pray earnestly that will happen. Try not to be too specific about how it happens – leave that to God. He’s more creative than us. Simply pray and trust that God’s handling the big picture and it’s beautiful! #FollowJesus

More Important Than Fighting Back

“The wicked have laid a snare for me,
but I do not stray from your precepts.”

– Psalm 119:110

Is this true for you? Are you willing to make this commitment? That even when evil people set traps for you, oppose you, undermine you, or attack you, you will continue to obey the commands of Scripture? That you will refuse to lower yourself to their level? That you won’t fight back in the way of the world or the devil? That you won’t compromise your faith and Christian witness to avoid traps, gossip, opposition, persecution, or attacks?

Jesus knew exactly what was waiting for Him when He entered into this world, taught truth to this world, and gave His life for this world. He was faithful to the end. Now He invites His people to follow Him on the same path. To imitate Him in the power of His Spirit. If you’re a follower of Jesus, make the commitment to obey Jesus and His Word no matter what people may say or do against you.

Never compromise your faith or your witness to Christ to avoid the traps or attacks of the ungodly. Faithful obedience through the devil’s snares brings great glory to God and eternal reward to you. Don’t compromise yourself or God’s Word. #FollowJesus

What You Want to Hear

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” – 2 Timothy 4:3

Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, you don’t even have to go looking for those teachers that suit your passions and itching ears. The algorithms that supply you with social media are designed to ONLY give you what you want to hear. Even one small foray into listening to false teachers or people defending sinful practices or foolish policies is enough to trigger a growing landslide of unsound teaching delivered right to your feed.

Beware!!! What you’re being spoon fed about the world, politics, lifestyle, money, God, and Scripture probably isn’t sound. It’s probably an amplification of whatever your itching ears want to hear. Resist the system in these last days! Go out of your way to research and find SOUND teaching from real, biblically qualified teachers. People whose lives reflect the character of Jesus. People whose teaching is 100% in alignment to God’s Word even if you don’t quite agree with what they have to say.

In other, more earthly matters, go out of your way to watch and read things that challenge what your itching ears want to hear. In matters of politics, science, world affairs, history, economics, etc. Use the mind God has given you to understand the arguments opposed to your perspective. Understand the mindset of those who disagree with you (few of whom are actually evil conspiracists determined to destroy you). Understand the dynamic at work in the world and resist it. Resist it intentionally and in the power of the Holy Spirit. #FollowJesus

Beware the Worms in Your Stream

“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” – 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Welcome to the last days! Seriously!!! What Paul wrote about is clearly upon us. So, what should you do if you’re a faithful follower of Jesus? Avoid the influence of those who would draw you down the path he describes. Recognize they are everywhere and many of them call themselves Christian. Be very careful about who you listen to (in person or online). Be very careful about what you read and watch. Be very, very careful about what influencers worm their way into your social media streams.

Pursue personal holiness. Devote extra time every day to reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word. Pray often and enjoy your conversations with God. Share the good news of Jesus Christ with other people. Worship God. Serve the Lord humbly for His glory, not yours. Find a good (but not perfect!) Bible-believing church and learn to love the saints (even the difficult-to-love ones) there as you worship alongside them.

Pray and work to spread God’s Kingdom here on earth. Be at peace (despite the chaos) in the presence, power, love, and grace of Christ in you. #FollowJesus

The Power of the Word

“For which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!” – 2 Timothy 2:9

Nothing can bind the word of God. NOTHING! God’s people may be opposed, persecuted, imprisoned, or killed. But God’s Word will move forward by God’s power. Do not become discouraged or grow weary in the face of entrenched rejection or opposition. Paul was in chains and facing death. However, he knew that there are no chains that can stop the Gospel of Jesus Christ from spreading around the world.

Whenever you look around and feel that there’s no hope for the church and the movement of Christ, remember this truth. God’s Word has supernatural power to awaken spiritually dead hearts and minds. God’s Word has power beyond anything we can imagine. God’s Word, whether written or spoken, will continue to draw people to God. It will not return void. It will not leave the world without a testimony. It will accomplish the mission for which it has been given.

Always remember that the greatest power for evangelism, missions, and life transformation is God’s Word. Focus on presenting it rather than sweating over persuasive arguments or compelling presentations by God’s people. Do whatever you can to get God’s Word out in the world, then watch and be amazed at how God uses His Word! #FollowJesus