What You Want to Hear

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” – 2 Timothy 4:3

Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, you don’t even have to go looking for those teachers that suit your passions and itching ears. The algorithms that supply you with social media are designed to ONLY give you what you want to hear. Even one small foray into listening to false teachers or people defending sinful practices or foolish policies is enough to trigger a growing landslide of unsound teaching delivered right to your feed.

Beware!!! What you’re being spoon fed about the world, politics, lifestyle, money, God, and Scripture probably isn’t sound. It’s probably an amplification of whatever your itching ears want to hear. Resist the system in these last days! Go out of your way to research and find SOUND teaching from real, biblically qualified teachers. People whose lives reflect the character of Jesus. People whose teaching is 100% in alignment to God’s Word even if you don’t quite agree with what they have to say.

In other, more earthly matters, go out of your way to watch and read things that challenge what your itching ears want to hear. In matters of politics, science, world affairs, history, economics, etc. Use the mind God has given you to understand the arguments opposed to your perspective. Understand the mindset of those who disagree with you (few of whom are actually evil conspiracists determined to destroy you). Understand the dynamic at work in the world and resist it. Resist it intentionally and in the power of the Holy Spirit. #FollowJesus