The Power of the Word

“For which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!” – 2 Timothy 2:9

Nothing can bind the word of God. NOTHING! God’s people may be opposed, persecuted, imprisoned, or killed. But God’s Word will move forward by God’s power. Do not become discouraged or grow weary in the face of entrenched rejection or opposition. Paul was in chains and facing death. However, he knew that there are no chains that can stop the Gospel of Jesus Christ from spreading around the world.

Whenever you look around and feel that there’s no hope for the church and the movement of Christ, remember this truth. God’s Word has supernatural power to awaken spiritually dead hearts and minds. God’s Word has power beyond anything we can imagine. God’s Word, whether written or spoken, will continue to draw people to God. It will not return void. It will not leave the world without a testimony. It will accomplish the mission for which it has been given.

Always remember that the greatest power for evangelism, missions, and life transformation is God’s Word. Focus on presenting it rather than sweating over persuasive arguments or compelling presentations by God’s people. Do whatever you can to get God’s Word out in the world, then watch and be amazed at how God uses His Word! #FollowJesus