How Big the Debt

“‘When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?’ Simon answered, ‘The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.’ And he said to him, ‘You have judged rightly.’” – Luke 7:42-43

Every true believer in Jesus has had his or her debt of sin cancelled by Jesus. God’s anger toward our sin was taken for us by Jesus at the cross. The just punishment for our sin was taken for us by Jesus at the cross. And yet, different followers of Jesus exhibit very different levels of love, zeal, and energy toward Jesus. Some burn with love and fire, eager to serve and obey. Others are only lukewarm and limited in their commitment. Why???

Often the difference stems from their beliefs about their sins that have been forgiven. For those who are deeply aware of their past guilt and shame and the degree to which they lived to spite God, the grace and forgiveness they received through Jesus overflows in passionate love and commitment. For those who “get it” in their head but never felt particularly bad about themselves, they’re often lukewarm about Jesus. They appreciate the benefits of being a Christian but aren’t fully convinced that they were all that bad to begin with. They’re wrong!

Hopefully you don’t think that way, but if you do, you’re wrong, too! ALL sin is rebellion against God. ALL sin makes a mockery of His authority. That includes “not that bad” sins that “don’t hurt anyone else”. That includes socially acceptable sins practiced by people who are “mostly good” like gossip, lying, envy, cutting ethical corner to get ahead, and an excessive temper. Whatever your past (or present) sins may be, they really are terrible! They really did nail Jesus to the cross. They really are your declaration of war against God. That’s true for every person on earth.

If you find yourself feeling lukewarm toward Jesus, spend some time contemplating the sins He’s saved you from. They really are infinitely worse than you could imagine! They really did separate you from God and condemn you to an eternity in Hell. Jesus really did save you from damnation! Feel the joy of your salvation. Feel the relief. Feel the delight of being reconciled to God and welcomed into His presence rather that cast out of it. Realize that you have truly been forgiven for much. Love and #FollowJesus!

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