“God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 1:9
Two precious words are highlighted here – FAITHFUL and FELLOWSHIP. They are a wonder to contemplate, so take some time to contemplate them today!
God is faithful. He keeps faith with His people. He doesn’t arbitrarily change His mind or impulsively cancel His promises and covenants. He is rock-solid, completely trustworthy, and eternally steadfast. His approach to you isn’t dictated by His mood. He’ll keep every promise. He’ll honor every commitment. The covenant of grace that was sealed with the blood of His Son, Jesus, is an unending covenant. He welcomes everyone who trusts in Jesus as Lord and will never lose or throw out anyone who believes in Him. We live in a world where few are truly faithful. Old institutions, standards, and traditions are crumbling. Faithfulness is frequently tossed aside for short-term benefits. God never does that! God is faithful. Take time to meditate on how God has been faithful throughout history and in your own life.
Then, if Jesus is your Lord, you have fellowship with Him, the Christ of God. Fellowship isn’t some shallow acknowledgement of existence like on social media. It isn’t acquaintanceship. It isn’t casual. Fellowship is deep. In fact, Scripture says that we are united with Christ through faith in Him. We are inseparable from Him and He is always with us. He knows your thoughts, struggles, hurts, and needs. As your Suffering Savior, Jesus understands what you’re going through perfectly and completely. He is closer to you than the closest person in your life. You are in loving, supportive community with Him. Conversation. Comfort. Care. He constantly invites you to spend time with Him in prayer, in worship, in meditation, and in quiet, joyful fellowship. He’s your Lord, but He’s also your perfect, loving, caring older brother. Faithful… Fellowship… #FollowJesus