The Things That Last

“And Jesus said to him, ‘Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.’” – Mark 13:2

When we stand next to enormous, beautiful buildings, it’s natural to imagine they’ll last forever. Beside them, we feel so small while they seem so large and permanent. Gazing at the stately buildings that fill the capitals of the nations, we imagine they’ll always be standing there. But they won’t – Jesus was very blunt about that.

The beautiful temple His disciples were marveling at was destroyed just a few decades later. That’s the way of this fallen world. Buildings get destroyed. Nations fall. Empires crumble. These things aren’t permanent. However, one thing IS permanent – the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom that Jesus came to establish will last forever. It’s a kingdom of eternal life in Him. It’s an eternity of delighting in God’s presence and enjoying the fellowship of believers from every tribe, ethnic group, and nation.

Don’t give too much energy or attention to things that won’t last. If you have eternal life in Jesus Christ, devote yourself to God’s Kingdom instead. Invest your earthly life, energy, time, talent, and treasure into helping others enter the eternal Kingdom. Share your hope in Christ with those you meet in life. Pray and support those who are doing likewise all over the world. By doing that, you touch eternity and alter the course of generations to come. Seek first the Kingdom of God because it will last forever! #FollowJesus

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