God Doesn’t Lie

“So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.” – Hebrews 6:18

God cannot lie. He can do anything except violate His own nature and character. Because God is truth, He cannot lie. That means all His covenants and promises are 100% certain. You can trust them. You can rely on them, no matter what. Let this be of great comfort in difficult times. When you feel discouraged, beaten down, or crushed, know that all the promises of God are “Yes” and “Amen” in Jesus Christ.

If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, then forgiveness of sins and eternal life are yours. God has said so and He can’t lie. Jesus is in you and with you at all times. He has said so and He can’t lie. The Holy Spirit has sealed you and God has adopted you as His beloved child. He has said so, and He can’t lie. An eternal inheritance awaits you in glory. God has said so and He can’t lie. Hold firmly to the strong and certain hope of eternal life in the joyous presence of Jesus Christ. Hold fast to the certain truth that perfect justice will be done when Jesus returns.

Hold firmly to the knowledge that God has declared He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. God has said so and He can’t lie. He will comfort you in your sorrow, strengthen you in your weakness, and one day, He will wipe away every tear from your eye. He has said so and He can’t lie. When the world, in all of it fallen, broken, sinful, selfish, awfulness, is overwhelming find your refuge in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hold firmly to the promises you have received in Christ, because God cannot lie! #FollowJesus

When We Lose the Battle

“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” – Hebrews 4:13

Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God become flesh, sees everything about you. Actions… words… thoughts. Jesus sees your worst deeds and knows the reasons why you do your best deeds. How does this make you feel? If you remembered this truth regularly, would it change how you live, particularly when nobody is looking?

It should, because we all continue to battle with temptation and sometimes, we lose that battle. Fortunately, we’re saved by God’s grace, the gift we can’t earn and don’t have to try to earn! Our sins are forgiven when we repent of them and ask forgiveness in the name of our Lord Jesus. His work on the cross opened the way for us to enter His unending rest through faith in Him. And yet, Scripture is also clear that we’ll each give an account to Him for every selfish, cruel, or nasty thought, every hurtful, deceitful, or careless word, and for every sinful action or inaction. It’s sobering to remember that Jesus, Who lived a perfect life, knows every way in which we’ve failed to follow Him.

Nobody is perfect. We all sin, except for Jesus. He understands that and graciously forgives us whenever we ask. But we must be honest that His invitation to deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily, and follow Him is a serious call to live, speak, and think like Him. Every moment of every day. We must be regularly examining ourselves compared to Jesus and praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit to continue changing us to be more like Jesus every day. It’s a lifelong journey that won’t be complete until we pass away or Jesus returns. But we must each be making that journey. Consider carefully whether you’re more holy and Christlike today than you were a year ago. #FollowJesus

Greater Still

“For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.” – Hebrews 3:3

The first few chapters of Hebrews reflect on how Jesus is greater than any other being that people thought highly of. He is greater than angels because He is the eternal Son of God rather than a created servant of God. He is greater than Moses, the greatest leader and prophet Israel had ever known. Moses was amazing, a meek man of faith, attentive and obedient to God, bold in the power of the Holy Spirit. God gave His people freedom, Law, and covenant through Moses.

And yet, Jesus is infinitely greater than Moses! Infinitely greater! Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He was present at creation. Everything in the universe was made through Him and He holds everything together. Atoms, molecules, planets, and galaxies are all held together by Jesus. Gravity, electricity, and magnetism are sustained by Jesus. Nothing and no one IN the universe can compare with Jesus who made and sustains the universe.

That’s your Lord and Savior (If you have trusted in Him. If you haven’t, why haven’t you?) That’s King Jesus, our friend, brother, Savior, and Lord. That’s Who stepped into our world, took on a human body and nature, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, and rose from the dead to rescue you from your sins! Having given His life to save us from our sins, Jesus has been raised to life in glory. He is now in unending, radiant glory, glory of the King of the universe and unique Son of God the Father. There is nothing that compares to His glory. Take time to worship and praise Him right now, looking forward to that day when you will bask in His glory forever! #FollowJesus

Total Control

“Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him.” – Hebrews 2:8b

God the Father has put everything in the universe under the kingship of Jesus Christ. EVERYTHING!!! He left nothing outside of the control of God the Son. NOTHING!!! We don’t necessarily see that with our eyes as we survey a world of disaster, violence, hatred, and war. But this is already the spiritual reality of the universe and our eyes of faith are invited to gaze upon this reality in wonder. This is exactly what Jesus meant when he said, “ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (Matthew 28:18). King Jesus is already Lord over everything. He sustains all of creation and rules over it from heaven with perfect wisdom, love, grace, and mercy.

You probably know this, but do you truly live like it’s true? Do you live with the confidence that whether things look good or bad in your life, Jesus is ruling over it all? Do you live with the confidence that your friend and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, is in sovereign control over your life, this planet, and the entire universe? This truth should transforms every aspect of how you live for the glory of God!

If you believe this, it should give you the comfort and confidence to carry on with the work of God’s Kingdom no matter the personal cost or apparent impossibility. It should give you the confidence to joyfully praise God amidst tears, pain, and grief because Jesus is ruling on His throne! If you believe this, then you don’t need to be paralyzed by fear, because even the things you’re afraid of are subjected to the ultimate authority of King Jesus, Who will turn them for the greater good of all creation. Believe and rejoice in absolute authority of your Lord! #FollowJesus

Mourning the Rebellion

“My eyes shed streams of tears,
because people do not keep your law.”

– Psalm 119:136

David wept because people disobeyed God’s commands. Do you? As you look around the world and see such overwhelming injustice, depravity, cruelty, immorality, ungodliness, hatred, violence, and abuse do you weep because of mankind’s sin? Do you mourn for the evil at work in the world and all who suffer from it? Or have you allowed yourself to become numb to it, closed your eyes to it, and chosen to ignore it to protect your heart and mind?

As painful as it is to really engage with the horrors of sin, God’s people should strive to remain tenderhearted and broken by human sin. We should stay sorrowful that the crown jewel of God’s creation so often rebels hatefully against Him. That’s what Jesus meant when He said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted…Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for the shall be satisfied.”

Cultivate a heart that is tender and broken for the darkness in the world. Let that heart lead you to pray diligently and desperately for a revival that will lead millions to reject sin and embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior. Let that heart engage you in the work of advancing God’s Kingdom in your community and to the uttermost reaches of the world, knowing that one day, there will be no more sin, no more evil, and no more tears. #FollowJesus