“There is severe discipline for him who forsakes the way;
whoever hates reproof will die.”
– Proverbs 15:10
This is a recurring theme in Scripture that runs completely counter to our modern culture. We naturally desire affirmation in everything we do. Our culture teaches us to demand instant affirmation and assume the worst about anyone who doesn’t give it. We want green lights all the time. However, Scripture is clear… God gives us warnings, red lights, obstacles, setbacks, and correction to help us. To bless us. To save us from ourselves.
Sometimes this comes through the words of a trustworthy believer who sees something in our life, conduct, or character and has the loving courage to say something about it. Sometimes it comes through unexpected obstacles that slow us down or change our course. Sometimes it comes through a word of Scripture that takes on added life when we read it. Sometimes it comes through a painful event in our life that stops us in our tracks, leaving us no choice but to think.
Correction and discipline aren’t hostile acts. They aren’t given to undermine you or hurt you. They’re life-giving, soul-nourishing acts of love and kindness. We never like discipline or correction in the moment. It wounds our pride and that hates to be wounded. But God knows when we need it. Perhaps because we’re doing the wrong thing. Perhaps because we’re doing the right things in the wrong way. Perhaps because we’re doing the right things but not in step with the Lord’s pace.
The next time you find yourself frustrated or angry by things that slow you down or the words of generally trustworthy people that run against whatever you want to do take a moment to pause. Reflect on the overall situation. Rather than assume the worst, think about your motives. Your words. Your actions. Are you in step with the Lord? Are you conducting yourself like Jesus did? Instead of opposition might you be encountering the loving correction or discipline of the Lord Himself? #FollowJesus