Unwavering Faith

“And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son.” – Genesis 22:13

God provides the sacrifice. Period. To verify the depth of Abraham’s faith, God asked him to do the unthinkable. Would Abraham be willing to trust God’s faithfulness and power enough to sacrifice his long-awaited, much-loved son through whom God’s promises were to be fulfilled? Yes! Abraham did everything required to demonstrate his unwavering faith and God stopped him from actually hurting his son. This was only a test. God never had any intention of having Abraham kill Isaac. God was always going to provide the sacrifice, as long as Abraham was willing to put himself in the place to see that ram caught in the thicket.

However, things were different for God’s own Son. While God didn’t intend for Abraham to actually sacrifice his son, God always planned to sacrifice His own Son, Jesus. God did what Abraham was willing to do but didn’t have to do. God sent His Son into the world to live a perfect sinless life and then die as an innocent sacrifice on the cross to pay off the spiritual debt for our sins. Once again, God provided the sacrifice, but instead of a ram, it was His own Son, Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Rejoice that God always provides the sacrifice! Neither we nor our children must die for our sins, because the perfect Son of God already died for them! #FollowJesus

What is Real Leadership?

“It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” – Matthew 20:26

Today, we honor and celebrate the life, work, and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The movement he led made the world a better and more just place. Today also marks the peaceful transfer of political power in this country from one President to another. And so, it’s a particularly good day to remind ourselves of what Jesus commanded regarding leadership in His Kingdom.

For followers of Jesus, leadership isn’t about power. It isn’t about status. It isn’t about surrounding ourselves with people who must slavishly obey. It’s not about pleasing oneself. It’s about the opportunity to serve and bless those we lead. It’s about willingly following the example of Jesus, Who sacrificed His life for those He leads. Christian leaders must work tirelessly to reflect Christ Himself. Those who would change the world must clothe themselves in Christ’s humility, live by Christ’s wisdom, and be filled with Christ’s Spirit. They must commit themselves to pour out their lives for the betterment of everyone around them.

Christlike leadership is not for the faint of heart, the thin of skin, or the vain. Leading like Jesus involves dirty hands, sorrowful hearts, and exhausted and aching bodies. That is how a Christian leader influences, guides, and directs others for the glory of God. Not by their power or office but by their words, example, and influence. Leadership like that elevates everyone else, calling them into greater Christlikeness. As followers of Jesus, these qualities must always be what we look for and celebrate in a leader. It’s what we should expect and demand of our leaders. We should never accept or embrace any false substitute for these qualities within the Kingdom of God! #FollowJesus

What Has Your Heart?

“Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.” – Acts 17:16

After fleeing to Athens, Paul had plenty of spare time while he waited for his friends to catch up. As he explored a grand old city full of temples and statues devoted to false gods, his spirit became stirred up. He was disturbed at the number of people who were spiritual but utterly blind and misguided in their efforts to connect with the eternal. So he began to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in a city that didn’t understand and didn’t particularly want to understand.

What about you? How is your spirit? We live in a culture that’s increasingly like that of ancient Athens. We’re surrounded by idols. Not so much temples and statues, but our culture has elevated many things into the place of God. Unimaginable wealth. Global fame. Dominant companies. Triumphant teams. Brilliant inventors. Powerful leaders. Militant movements. Self. Sex and sexuality. Great men of the past and present about whom we refuse to listen to any critique or criticism. Tidy versions of history we won’t permit to be completed or corrected. The list seems endless, idols are all around us!

Today’s idols aren’t made of marble but they have the same impact. They steal people’s energy devotion that should be directed toward God. They drive our emotions, making us happy or sad, angry or delighted far more than they should. We try to destroy anyone or anything that threatens them. What idols do you see as you look around? What idols might be living in your own heart? Are you as provoked about modern-day idols as Paul was? Will you respond as he did by pointing people to the place where they should truly find their identity, security, joy, peace, and satisfaction? #FollowJesus

Break Out of the Holy Huddle

“And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together.” – Acts 16:13

To reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ, you must go where there are people who don’t already know and believe. Look for where people gather and befriend them there. Jesus commissioned not just His Apostles and not just His churches to go and make disciples. He commissioned all of His followers to make disciples as we go about our daily lives. Make disciples as we go to work, go to school, go to the market, and pursue passions, hobbies, and interests.

Like Paul and his friends, we must be intentional about going where there are people who don’t yet know Jesus. A Christian isn’t called to spend all their time in a holy huddle of fellow believers. We certainly must gather with other believers to grow, strengthen, encourage, challenge, and refresh one another. However, we can’t stay exclusively with our Christian friends. We must cultivate the habit of sitting down and speaking with those who don’t yet know Jesus in our classrooms, workplaces, and neighborhoods. We need to get to know them and create opportunities to move conversations in a spiritual direction so we can share Jesus.

Every follower of Jesus has a commission and a mission. Be thoughtful about how you spend your time and how you make time to spend with people who don’t yet know Jesus. You may just be the person God has appointed to bring the saving word of Christ to them! #FollowJesus

The God Who Sees

“So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, ‘You are a God of seeing,’ for she said, ‘Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.’” – Genesis 16:13

In the midst of Hagar’s sorrow, despair, frustration, and loneliness, she learned a precious truth about God. He is the God of seeing! He sees His children in our agony. He doesn’t merely love us from a distance. He’s very present in the midst of dark and difficult seasons of life. God faithfully looks after us, strengthening and sustaining us when things are darkest and most difficult. He is grieved when we are grieved. One day, He will wipe every tear from our eyes in eternity!

If Jesus is your Lord, then hold firmly to this truth! Jesus sees you and Jesus loves you! He sees your sins and mistakes and went to the cross to pay the penalty for them all. In Him, there is no penalty, wrath, or condemnation remaining for you. When you are weak, Jesus is present, vigilant, and strong on your behalf. He will look after you, sustaining you when you can go no further. Jesus understands your trials and temptations because He endured His own without sinning. He sees you. He loves you. He is with you. He will guide and strengthen you in any situation if you will call upon Him, lean upon Him, and walk in faith and obedience to Him.

Praise and worship the God Who Sees! You are never invisible – God sees you! You are never alone – God is with you! Your situation is never without hope – the God Who Sees is looking after you in Christ Jesus! #FollowJesus