“And he answered them, ‘Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.’” – Luke 3:11
We live in a culture where cruelty and selfishness are increasingly praised as virtues. They are being regularly modeled by those with influence and authority. Choose to be kind instead! Choose to share from whatever you may have with whomever may lack. Reject the temptation to clutch your things tightly because of fear about the future. Release them with generosity rooted in confidence in God, your great Provider.
Hard times may well come, but prepare for them by trusting that God eternally blesses and rewards those who respond to the poor and vulnerable with the love and heart of Jesus rather than the coldness and cruelty that comes so easily to man. Receive the overflowing grace of God offered to you through faith in Jesus. Then let that grace overflow toward the those who have the least. #FollowJesus