“But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.” – 1 Corinthians 5:11
When Paul wrote to Christians in Corinth, he wrote to people living in a culture very similar to our own. Corinth was a deeply immoral city steeped in false religions, sexual sin, and greed. What Paul tells those Christians is profoundly important for us as we navigate the 21st century! What did he say? Don’t worry about condemning the sins of unbelievers. They will certainly sin and God will certainly judge them for that, so we don’t need to. With regard to unbelievers, our assignment is clear – meet them as, and where, they are and introduce them to Jesus. The Christian’s task is not to condemn or fix what’s wrong with unbelievers. It’s to introduce them to their Savior. PERIOD.
On the other hand, we must absolutely be on the lookout for sin INSIDE the church. We must never turn a blind eye toward wrongdoing by our brothers and sisters in Christ. As Christians, we share a sacred responsibility to lovingly but firmly confront sin INSIDE the church. To address earthly idolatries (politics, possessions, power, position, etc.) whenever they take root in a brother or sister’s heart. To speak into their life when they’re indulging sexual sin, holding onto addiction, or failing to live with the ethics and integrity of Jesus.
Christians are NOT to waste time and energy sitting in judgment on the fallen culture that surrounds us. Of course nonbelievers are sinning! We are to confront, judge, and if necessary discipline those who carry that fallen culture into our churches. Those who call themselves Christian while indulging, excusing, or defending sin. Too often, Christians get these instructions reversed – condemning the sins of the world while ignoring the sins of the local church. This destroys our Christian witness and defiles the holiness of Christ’s bride, the church. So, make sure your sin-detector is pointing in the right direction – toward your own heart and the lives of your brothers and sisters in Christ. With regard to the rest of the world, just go and make disciples! #FollowJesus