“For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.” – Hebrews 3:3
The first few chapters of Hebrews reflect on how Jesus is greater than any other being that people thought highly of. He is greater than angels because He is the eternal Son of God rather than a created servant of God. He is greater than Moses, the greatest leader and prophet Israel had ever known. Moses was amazing, a meek man of faith, attentive and obedient to God, bold in the power of the Holy Spirit. God gave His people freedom, Law, and covenant through Moses.
And yet, Jesus is infinitely greater than Moses! Infinitely greater! Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He was present at creation. Everything in the universe was made through Him and He holds everything together. Atoms, molecules, planets, and galaxies are all held together by Jesus. Gravity, electricity, and magnetism are sustained by Jesus. Nothing and no one IN the universe can compare with Jesus who made and sustains the universe.
That’s your Lord and Savior (If you have trusted in Him. If you haven’t, why haven’t you?) That’s King Jesus, our friend, brother, Savior, and Lord. That’s Who stepped into our world, took on a human body and nature, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, and rose from the dead to rescue you from your sins! Having given His life to save us from our sins, Jesus has been raised to life in glory. He is now in unending, radiant glory, glory of the King of the universe and unique Son of God the Father. There is nothing that compares to His glory. Take time to worship and praise Him right now, looking forward to that day when you will bask in His glory forever! #FollowJesus