Thank You

“I…do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…So help me God.”

Today we honor and say thank you to all who have sworn and fulfilled this oath with honor. It is a weighty commitment that always entails sacrifice for the sake of others. Thank you for your faithful service. As God helped you keep this sacred trust, may He continue to bless and help you all of your days.

In Good Times AND Bad Times

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.”

– Psalm 121:1-2

Remember this! In good times and especially in bad times, remember to look to the Lord for help. Remember where all enduring help comes from – the Creator of the world! God is real, He is powerful, and He is personal. He knows your situation, hears your cries, and cares about your pain.

He sent His own Son, Jesus, into the world to restore you into a deep relationship with Him. Jesus paid the penalty for your sins so that when you trust in Him, there will be no sin standing between you and your holy Creator. Jesus died and rose from the dead so that in Him, you are welcomed into deep relationship with God, united with Jesus spiritually, and sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

In Christ, you are always welcomed in the throne room of heaven all day every day. Your prayers are welcomed. There is grace and mercy to sustain you in time of need. There is love for you when the world shows you none. And your suffering Savior, Who knows what pain, loss, betrayal, rejection, and humiliation is, is present with you every moment of every day. Look to the Lord for help. Don’t get confused about where to look or who to look for. Help may come in many forms but all true help comes from the Lord. #FollowJesus

The Real Power

“How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” – Hebrews 9:14

The perfect, innocent blood of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God cleanses us from every sin and every shame. Fully man and fully God come in the flesh, Jesus lived a holy, sinless life so He could offer Himself as a spotless sacrifice to pay the penalty for all of your sin. All of it! There’s NOTHING that the blood of Jesus can’t wipe away if you confess it to Him and embrace Him as your Lord and Savior. NOTHING!

Because of the power of His blood, God’s love and grace toward you is without limit. In Christ, God forgives you, adopts you, seals you, lives in you, and transforms you. He places you under His covenant of grace, so that you’re free to serve Him in mighty ways out of love and gratitude rather than guilt, fear, or obligation. In Christ, you’ve been made holy. You’ve also been made holy for a purpose. To serve the Lord. To bring Him glory. To enjoy Him forever. To spread the Gospel and love your neighbors. Trust in Jesus. Enjoy your pure conscience. #FollowJesus

The Final Conclusion

“They will console you, when you see their ways and their deeds, and you shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, declares the Lord God.” – Ezekiel 14:23

God is sovereignly in control of all things. There are no accidents, unforeseen circumstances, or mistakes. He is wisely guiding all things (good things and bad things, revivals and persecutions) toward the turbulent and ultimately beautifully victorious conclusion He has promised. Think on that today.

Whether you’re celebrating or mourning today, feeling vindicated or confused, excited or concerned, know that God is sovereign. God weaves all things together across far greater periods of time and extents of space than we can possibly imagine or understand. He weaves together things we’re excited about and things that hurt. He can turn human good, human evil, human vanity, and human excellence toward ultimate good.

God is sovereign. Though we have no idea what the next few years may hold, we know the overall movement of the story of history. God is drawing to Himself a new people, a new family made up of worshipers from every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth. This new family is united by faith in Jesus Christ. As this work nears its conclusion, we know there will be tribulation and hardship for the world and for believers. However, one day Christ will return and God’s redeeming work will be applied to all of fallen creation and it will be unimaginably glorious. God IS sovereign. #FollowJesus

24/7 At Your Side

“Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” – Hebrews 7:25

Jesus is our great and eternal high priest. Because He defeated death, rose from the grave, and ascended into Heaven, He serves as our high priest at all times. If Jesus is your Lord, then 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Jesus is on duty as your great, high priest. He always lives to intercede on your behalf when you sin and repent of that sin. At the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for your sins. Now, at the right hand of God the Father, Jesus speaks on your behalf, applying His sacrifice to your present sins when you confess and seek God’s forgiveness. Jesus never takes a break, never gets tired, and never says, “this sin is too awful or gross for me to handle.”

Jesus saves to the uttermost. Jesus will intercede to forgive the uttermost depravity in your life when you truly repent of it. No matter how dark, how vile, how cruel, how humiliating. Many people think God can’t or won’t forgive what they’ve done, but they’re wrong. Jesus saves to the uttermost. If He is your Lord and you have repented and confessed your sin to Him, that sin has already been washed away completely. If you haven’t repented and confessed, take time to do that RIGHT NOW! You didn’t have to do anything earn God’s forgiveness or to “make it up” to God. Jesus did everything on the cross. He saves to the uttermost!

Jesus also saves to the uttermost corners, nooks, and crannies of your life. There’s no part of you which His saving grace cannot touch, clean, and transform. There’s no part of you left unredeemed once you put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Don’t fear the hidden parts of your life that you don’t even like to think about – Jesus saves that too! Jesus is the way to draw near to God. When you trust in Him, you are forgiven for your sins and adopted into God’s family. He’s always ready to delight in, and embrace you, when you draw near to God in prayer, praise, worship, meditation, and love. Don’t keep your distance from Jesus. Don’t hold back. #FollowJesus