Godly Wisdom

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” – James 3:17

What is wisdom? Who is wise? That can be difficult to answer in a complicated age. Fortunately, the Bible is very clear about what godly wisdom looks like! Godly wisdom looks like what this verse describes. Look for these qualities in a speaker and you will find God’s wisdom. Godly wisdom looks like purity and holiness. It looks like gentleness. It looks like openness to thoughtful, reasoned discussion. It looks like a concern for mercy and blessing toward others. It looks impartial, not playing favorites based on any category. It’s backed by a life (public and private) that is consistent with the words being spoken.

If something doesn’t look or sound like these things, it isn’t wisdom. It doesn’t matter how good it might sound to you. It doesn’t matter how famous the speaker or how many followers he or she has. It doesn’t matter how much money or power they have. It doesn’t matter how much the message might thrill you. It simply isn’t godly wisdom. Period.

Godly wisdom doesn’t fight loudly and proudly on social media. Godly wisdom doesn’t seek to crush anyone arguing with it or questioning it. Godly wisdom isn’t afraid of having facts checked. Godly wisdom doesn’t need to shout louder when someone disagrees with it. Why? Because it’s wisdom and it can be confident in itself! It doesn’t sound like the great debater of the age with slick, manipulative arguments and excellent production values. All godly wisdom flows out of Jesus Christ and all godly wisdom looks and sounds like Jesus Christ. Pursue godly wisdom. #FollowJesus

A Different Take On “Just Do It”!

“Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” – Hebrews 13:15-16

Do you want to please God? The good news is that if you’re a follower of Jesus, He already took care of the hard work necessary to please God. You just need to trust your life to Lord Jesus and God will be pleased with you. After that, simply practice day-to-day things that reflect who you already are in Jesus Christ. Here, the author of Hebrews lists three daily habits that are truly pleasing to God.

First, praise God regularly. Praise Him in gathered worship with other believers and praise Him throughout the week in your own quiet times of worship, prayer, Bible reading, and meditation. Praise His name – the Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, just, righteous, and holy. Cultivate a habit of regular praise for God at various times throughout the day. Yes, it takes time and intentionality but it’s a sacrifice that pleases God.

Then, do good things and share what you have with others who are in need. Don’t do these to save yourself but because God has already done and shared the very best with you through Jesus Christ. Rather than focus on yourself and your needs, think about how you can share whatever you have (whether it’s a lot or a little) with others. Make it the habit of your life to just do good things. It might require some discipline at first but should quickly become an essential part of who you are. These are also sacrifices pleasing to God. He isn’t looking for occasional dramatic gestures. He’s looking for a day-in-day-out life of praise, good deeds, and sharing. That’s what truly makes God smile. Are you in? #FollowJesus

The Pursuit of Peace

“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” – Hebrews 12:14

This is an essential, imperative, vital, and worthy task for every single follower of Jesus! No exceptions! Strive for peace with everyone. Striving means working hard, with purpose and intentionality, even past the point of exhaustion. The call for Christians is not to be peaceful if everyone agrees with us. It isn’t to get along when nobody’s annoying you. It’s to strive for peace with everyone. Period. You are called to actively, intentionally, sacrificially, prayerfully work to make and keep peace with everyone you possibly can. Not when it’s convenient. Not when it’s comfortable. Not when it’s easy. All the time!

Likewise, strive for holiness. The good news is that in Christ, you are already holy in God’s eyes. The perfect righteousness of Christ is credited to everyone who believes in Him because of His work on the cross. However, as followers of Jesus, we’re then called, commanded, and expected to strive for holiness in our thoughts, words, and actions. We are to actually live as Jesus lived. To actually fight every temptation that comes our way and pursue a holy life of obedience to the commands and example of our Lord. A Christian who isn’t striving for holiness might not actually be a Christian at all, because faith that saves and brings new life also instills a desire for holiness.

What are you striving for in your daily life? What’s getting your energy, attention, strategy, and tactics? Is it peace? Is it holiness? If not, are you sure you’re striving after the right thing(s)??? #FollowJesus

The Narrow Path

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:2

Here, the author of Hebrews tells us the secret to running the race of life well with endurance. Always keep your eye on Jesus! Life is difficult. It’s full of temptations. The path of faithful obedience to Christ is uneven, narrow, and treacherous. Sometimes it can even be difficult to see amongst all the possible paths before you. On your own, you will stumble, trip, fall, or turn off onto a different path altogether. But if you keep your eyes on your Lord and Savior, you will safely run this path for God’s glory and your blessing!

Look to Jesus constantly. Read of Him daily in the Bible. Meditate on Him, His teachings, and His example. Jesus endured a brutal path of obedience to His Father’s will. He endured betrayal, the failure of His followers, injustice, humiliation, abuse, torture, and death. He did that by looking toward His Father and the glory of the redemption of creation. Jesus ran His race with perfection, never giving in to temptation, never sinning or falling short of God’s standard. And He did it to redeem creation and rescue you from your sins.

Now Jesus rules and reigns in Heaven. And His Spirit lives in each of His followers. He, Himself, is in union with His followers – with YOU. And as you look to Him, you have the power to run your difficult, painful, long, treacherous race with holiness and endurance. You can make disciples. You can lift the name of Jesus high. You can reveal Christ’s strength in your weakness. You can show the world the truth and power of the Gospel. You can be transformed, new creation. Just look to Jesus – He isn’t just the starting point of your faith, He’s the One Who perfects it. Let Him! #FollowJesus

Faith at the Base

“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son” – Hebrews 11:17

Throughout all of history, God’s grace has been poured out upon His people through faith. This is the point emphasized over and over and over again throughout Hebrews chapter 11. The great heroes of the Old Testament did extraordinary things, but they did them because of their faith and that’s what God blessed. They looked ahead and anticipated God’s coming Messiah, trusting in Him and believing in God’s plan of salvation.

It was faith that caused Abraham to answer God’s call to take his miraculous son of promise to the top of Mount Mariah and prepare to sacrifice him to the Lord. It was faith that could cause a loving, elderly father to entrust his precious son’s life to God. In answering God’s call, Abraham demonstrated total faith that God would keep His promises even though he had no idea how it would be possible. That’s the faith that saved Abraham and moved God’s redemptive work forward through him.

Abraham believed and it was counted as righteousness. That’s the testimony of his extraordinary life. Abraham did many good things and he also did many stupid, foolish, and sinful things. What he did didn’t save him. What he believed drove his good works and what he believed is what saved him. The same is true today. If you believe in the Lord Jesus with a genuine faith that produces life change, you are saved from your sins, reconciled to God, and united with Jesus Christ. By faith… #FollowJesus