Are You Walking the Same Old Path?

“If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.” – 1 John 1:6

This one’s pretty blunt, isn’t it??? If we call ourselves a Christian or say we follow Jesus while we’re still fully engaged with sin in our lives, we’re lying! We’re lying to ourselves and lying to the world. It’s impossible to be a true follower of Jesus saved by God’s grace AND comfortable with ongoing sin in our lives.

Every Christian will slip into sin from time to time. That happens and there is limitless grace to forgive and cleanse us when we repent. Some Christians continue to walk in sin because they simply don’t know better. But if you know what you’re supposed to do (or not do) and keep on your old path, then the life of Jesus Christ probably isn’t in you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve walked an aisle, gotten baptized at some point in the past, or attend church every week. If you’re comfortably, happily, or defiantly walking in the darkness of sin, you’re almost certainly lying to yourself and others.

So, if you believe you’re a blood-bought child of God by grace through faith in Jesus, examine your life prayerfully and carefully. How closely do your thoughts, words, and actions align to the example and commands of Jesus? Is your life better aligned now than it was a few months ago? Is it increasingly aligning to Him? Are you purging sin from your life? Are you fighting against those ongoing temptations that call to you? Is there some area of your secret (or public) life that you haven’t yet turned over to Jesus to transform? If so, repent of that sin – God will forgive! Don’t continue to walk in darkness, #FollowJesus

WHO are you thankful for?

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you” – Colossians 1:3

As we celebrate and give thanks today, let’s change the classic Thanksgiving question… Instead of asking “What are you thankful for?” reflect instead on “WHO are you thankful for?” Make time right now to figure that out and thank God for those individuals. Be specific. Give thanks for them by name and for what you’re specifically grateful for about them. Then, if possible, find a way to tell them that you thanked God for them today.

We thank God for you! May God abundantly bless you today and every day! Happy Thanksgiving from Lake Ridge Baptist Church!

Present in the Fire

“Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and rose up in haste. He declared to his counselors, ‘Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?’ They answered and said to the king, ‘True, O king.’ He answered and said, ‘But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.’” – Daniel 3:24-25

God can deliver His people from ANY situation, no matter how terrible. And He can do so in ANY way He wants, no matter how unimaginable and extraordinary. After the three young leaders stood strong in their faith and refused to bow down and worship Nebuchadnezzar’s vile statue of himself, they were thrown into a fiery inferno from which no one could possibly survive. But they survived!

God met them in the fire. He sent… His angel? Jesus before He took on a human body??? We can’t say for certain. But God made a way. He didn’t prevent the ordeal from happening, He met them in it and protected them throughout. He saved these faithful men through a literal fiery trial and did it in a way that gave unmistakable evidence that He is real, He is very present in the lives of His people, and He is all powerful.

God hasn’t changed and hasn’t grown less powerful. His ultimate salvation is spiritual and eternal, given through faith in Jesus Christ. However, He can still rescue His people out of any earthly situation, no matter how terrible, if that’s what brings the best and most glorifying outcome. When you’re facing a fiery trial, remember that Jesus is always with you in the fire. He can make fire go away or He can refine and transform you through it. He’ll make that decision (and Who better to decide?). Just be confident in His presence, His power, and His concern. Pray constantly, stay firm in your faith, and #FollowJesus

Never Give In

“There are certain Jews whom you have appointed over the affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, O king, pay no attention to you; they do not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” – Daniel 3:12

These three young Jewish captives had landed in a good situation in Babylon. With God’s blessing, they’d become important, trusted government officials. They were safe, comfortable, prosperous, and influential. All they needed to do to stay that way was to bow down to the statue of the king. All they needed to do was violate the Ten Commandments in the midst of a huge crowd of their coworkers. In an earthly sense, it would have been easy and understandable. But they didn’t, which is why we know their names today! They chose God over safety, comfort, prosperity, and influence. That’s ALWAYS the right choice!

Always do the right thing to obey and honor God, no matter what. Don’t be concerned about who sees you other than God Himself. Don’t be concerned about what people might say about you, concern yourself with what God will say to you. Don’t be concerned about the earthly consequences of faithfulness, even if they will be severe. Focus on the eternal rewards you will receive from the Lord. Never compromise your faith, surrender your integrity, or give anyone reason to believe you’re worshiping anyone or anything other than the Triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit.

Nobody can make you compromise your faith and Christian integrity. However, they can certainly tempt you to do so using threats or promises of reward. Be alert to this and NEVER give in. Not in small ways or big ones. Don’t allow your worship to drift toward someone or something else. Don’t allow your Christ-like character to slide downward. Don’t compromise your ethics to survive or get ahead. Take up your cross daily, deny yourself, and #FollowJesus

The Prowling Lion

“Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” – 1 Peter 5:9

The devil is actively prowling around, looking for opportunities to take down followers of Jesus. The previous verse compares him to a roaring lion prowling around a herd of animals, looking for one who is spiritually weak, sick, or isolated to attack. Even if he can’t take their soul, he wants to ruin their faith, their obedience to Christ, and their impact for God’s Kingdom. Recognize that the devil is real and he’s serious. He hates Christians. He isn’t a cartoon character with horns and a pitchfork. He’s a genuine threat to your spiritual life and health!

Recognize that and resist him. The devil isn’t to be dismissed but he also isn’t to be surrendered to. He is to be resisted firmly and steadfastly throughout your life. The Holy Spirit Who lives in you and seals you as God’s child is stronger than the devil. But you must walk in the Spirit to experience His full power. You must reject and repent of sin in your life, draw near to God, and keep growing in your imitation of, and obedience to, Jesus.

The devil’s attacks on you, your mind, your mood, and your family aren’t unique. What he’s doing to you, he’s also doing to plenty of other Christians around the world. Take comfort in this. There are others who have gone through, or are are going through, the same tests, trials, and attacks you are. They too are resisting in the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t let the thought of the devil overwhelm you (his power is much less than what’s available to you) but don’t ignore him either. Be firm in your faith and resist the temptations, trials, and attacks of the devil. #FollowJesus