The Hazard of Doing It My Way

“But they say, ‘That is in vain! We will follow our own plans, and will every one act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart.’” – Jeremiah 18:12

Jeremiah was diligently trying to obey God by warning his people of their coming doom and need to repent. This was their response – “you’re wasting your time.” Utter rejection of God’s way. Total embrace of doing their own thing. What followed was the destruction of the land and exile of the surviving people. God’s will will be done.

These words sound very much like our present cultural moment. God hasn’t specifically warned us of imminent destruction the way He warned Judah. But we’re living in a time in which good is called evil and evil is celebrated. A time when the ways of God are defiantly rejected in favor of each person defining their own “truth” and living their own definition of “good.” We’re seeing the “stubbornness of each person’s evil heart.”

If you’re a follower of Jesus and your heart is broken by the evil and degradation of our culture and world, you need to pray! Pray for revival to break out and sweep the globe. Pray for a powerful, miraculous work of God’s Holy Spirit to draw millions and billions of hearts to Him through new faith and radical obedience to Jesus Christ. Pray for people to be convicted about the evil of their ways and repent and follow Jesus. Another great awakening is what we need if we’re going to turn back from the destructive path of radical self-ism we’re walking as a culture. So pray and share the Gospel! #FollowJesus

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