When Jesus Commands You to Life

“When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out.’” – John 11:43

Can you imagine being in the crowd that day? Standing amidst a crowd still grieving the loss of their beloved brother, neighbor, and friend Lazarus. A crowd that knew he was four days dead and his body was already decaying in the cave in which it had been laid. Then Jesus ordered the tomb to be opened and He thundered, “Lazarus, come out.” The words of that simple, powerful order must have echoed through whole area. And Lazarus came out!

Still wrapped in linen strips, looking like a mummy from a horror movie. But completely alive, fully restored, and ready to be unwrapped. What a moment! What power! Jesus truly IS the Resurrection and the Life. It’s been fairly said that if Jesus hadn’t called Lazarus by name, then His powerful command might have brought everyone walking out of their tombs!

One day, that’s exactly what will happen. One day, Jesus will return and will command everyone to come out of their graves. Those who have trusted their lives to Him in faith will rise in bodies made perfect and reunited with their souls. Those risen in Christ will enjoy eternity with their Savior, body and soul. That day is coming! Do not fear and do not doubt. The day when Jesus will give His command and no matter whether we’re still alive or long passed away, we will come and stand before the throne of our Lord to hear His just and gracious judgment. What a day of rejoicing that will be for those who have trusted in Christ! #FollowJesus

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