A Guide to a Joyful Life

“In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.” – Psalm 119:14

How’s your relationship with the Bible? Is it like King David’s? Do you delight in God’s Word as much as in all riches? If not, what holds you back?

God’s Word, the Bible, is His love letter to you. It’s His revelation of Himself and His unchanging gracious, merciful, patient, loving, faithful, just, kind nature. It’s His revelation of His Son Who loves you and gave Himself for you. It’s His guide to a meaningful, significant, and joyful life in a world governed by an all-wise, all-good, all-powerful, ever-present God. It tells the amazing story of His good creation, our terrible fall, His extraordinary redemption, and the glorious consummation to come.

If you haven’t yet reached the place in your life where you delight in God’s Word, think about what keeps you from that delight. Is it a lack of familiarity? The best way to get past that is to begin reading. Begin reading the Bible in small portions every day, one chapter at a time, beginning in Matthew. Is it that it’s long and difficult to understand? It will get easier to read the more times you read it. You will begin to make connections with each pass through the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit will help you grow in understanding. Bible reading is like any other skill, you must actually do it to improve at it.

Is it that you aren’t really a reader? Listen to it being read instead. There are many free sites that offer this. Is it that you don’t understand the writing? Talk to a trusted Christian friend or pastor to find a good quality translation that works better for you. God’s Word is food for your soul. It is beautiful, challenging, encouraging, and convicting. It has power beyond any other book you will ever pick up. While it will not save you in itself, it is meant to be a source of lifelong delight and growth in Christ. Nothing will change you more over time than a daily personal study of God’s Word. #FollowJesus

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