“And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” – John 10:16
When Jesus said these words, they must have stunned His original audience. For centuries, the people of Israel had considered themselves to be God’s exclusive flock. As His chosen people, surely there was no place in His flock for people from other countries and ethnicities. They believed this self-serving lie despite the clear and consistent promises throughout the entire Old Testament that salvation was coming to the entire world.
Then Jesus made it clear. He is the Good Shepherd for EVERYONE who believes in Him. Jew and Gentile. African, European, Asian, American (North and South), and Australian. In Christ, all those distinctions lose their dividing significance. They’re simply part of the beautiful multi-ethnic flock God is assembling from every tribe, language, and ethnic group. Not many different flocks divided by skin color, birth place, language, or accent. One flock with exactly one, and only one, Shepherd – Jesus the Christ.
Meditate on this truth of Jesus. Marinate in it. Rejoice in the glorious truth that you’ve been welcomed into His flock. Embrace the vital truth that there are many other sheep being called into this same flock. Work to make that happen. Welcome new sheep as they hear and respond to the voice of Jesus. Devote your life to helping still more of them hear His voice. #FollowJesus