The Hazards of Trusting Man

“Thus says the Lord:
‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man
and makes flesh his strength,
whose heart turns away from the Lord.’”

– Jeremiah 17:5

Consider this a friendly reminder from the Lord in the midst of an emotionally charged election season! Whomever you like or dislike, go ahead and support or oppose them. But understand that they are just limited human beings. They didn’t create the world and they won’t end it. They can’t fix all the problems they say they will nor will they destroy everything you fear they will. Support those you support but don’t put your faith and trust in them. They aren’t God. They aren’t Jesus.

Those who win may do great good or great evil. But they still aren’t God and have only the tiniest bit of power compared to Him. If you let your emotions run too strong for or against human leaders, it inevitably draws your heart, mind, soul, and strength away from the Lord. Protect yourself from that because if you let that happen, you’ve already lost sight of what’s most precious and important! Don’t put your trust and sense of well-being in a human being, party, or platform. Put all your trust and confidence in the Triune God of the Universe!

Don’t get distracted! Make the Lord your strength and shelter. Make the Lord your anchor and identity. Make the Lord your refuge and hope. He will not disappoint. All those humans, for all their promises, cannot and must not replace the Lord in your heart or mind. If they do, that’s the path to misery, sorrow, disappointment, frustration, and loss. #FollowJesus

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