Strengthen & Renew the Inner Self

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16

Can you say this about yourself? Every Christian has access to the Holy Spirit power that does this. But many Christians don’t use that power. They aren’t seeing their inner self renewed daily. Sometimes they put so much energy into trying to slow the wasting away of their body that they neglect the renewal of their mind and soul. The reality is that our physical bodies are corrupted by the Fall into sin. Over time, they will inevitably break down, grow weak, and become ill. It’s certainly wise to be a good steward of your body by eating right, getting exercise, and getting good sleep. However, obsessing over that won’t prevent the inevitable decay of your body over time. At best, it can slow that decay.

However, in Christ, our inner being, our soul, doesn’t have to be that way. Our soul is eternal. Once we put our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live in us. He’s in us to renew and transform our soul, if we’ll let Him. Jesus invites you to cultivate a spiritual life that is continually renewed by the Holy Spirit, growing more and more vibrant and spiritually impactful, even as your body inevitably breaks down. This was Paul’s experience. Even as he felt the effects of age, travel, persecution, incarceration, and physical abuse, his soul was growing ever stronger in the Lord.

How do you strengthen and renew your inner self daily? Spend time in God’s Word, reading and studying it for yourself each day. Take a few minutes to meditate on what you read – what does it mean and how does it apply in your life. Spend unhurried time in prayer, talking to God and listening for Him. Worship Him often in public and private. Discipline yourself to give joyfully to God’s work on earth. Serve God energetically and sacrificially, pouring out your life for Him. Share Christ happily with those who don’t know Him. Find ways to spend time with God’s people, enjoying the fellowship of the saints. #FollowJesus

Lifting the Veil

“But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.” – 2 Corinthians 3:16

For those who don’t yet trust in Christ, there is a “veil” preventing them from fully appreciating the beauty and glory of Scripture. People can know an enormous amount about the Bible, but to see its true glory, its elegance, and the logic and beauty of the salvation it describes in Jesus Christ is a spiritual activity. One must have trusted in Christ and received God’s Spirit to clearly see all that God’s Word has to offer.

If you’ve ever had the experience (either looking back at your own past or talking with someone else) where you or they totally didn’t understand a Bible passage that you (now) clearly understand, that’s the veil! The veil shields those who are still rebellious against God from the full glory of His gracious gift of revelation. However, once a person believes in Jesus, he or she has the Holy Spirit, the most important equipping needed to read the Bible effectively.

If you’re a believer, the veil has been removed! Are you living like that? Are you digging into the glorious truths of Scripture for yourself? Are you reading or listening to a good portion of God’s Word each day? Meditating on what it means and how it applies in your life? Searching for answers to your questions? Gathering with other believers to grow in your understanding? If you aren’t, you’re missing out on God’s love letter to you. You’re missing out on the main way God speaks to His people. And you’re missing out on a critical, God-given privilege and instrument of your own personal growth in Christ. Read God’s Word and #FollowJesus!

Smell Like Jesus

“For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” – 2 Corinthians 2:15

What do you smell like today? Do you smell like Jesus or do you smell like everyone else? Obviously, this isn’t about your actual, physical smell… Paul is saying that those who are fully, faithfully following Jesus to the best of their Spirit-filled ability act, speak, and represent Jesus in the world. When people see them, they see Jesus. When they hear them, they hear Jesus. When they’re cared for by them, they’re cared for by Jesus. Genuine followers of Jesus are the sweet presence of Christ in a sour world. That’s what it means to be the aroma of Christ among the people of the world.

So, is that what you smell like today? Have you “put on the Lord Jesus” and submitted your life and this day to His Lordship? Have you died to yourself and committed to live for Jesus Christ? Will you carry the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control of Jesus into the world, no matter what comes your way? What can you do to be more like Jesus and less like your natural self as you go about your business today?

Paul goes on to say that not everyone will enjoy your smell if you truly smell like Jesus. For those on the path of sin and rejection of God, the aroma of Christ is a reminder of their final destination. It won’t be enjoyed. That doesn’t make it any less important! Don’t be afraid of how people will react to you, just focus on pleasing God as Christ’s presence wherever you go. Smell like Jesus as you #FollowJesus!

Only A Prayer Away

“And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. He prayed to him, and God was moved by his entreaty and heard his plea and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God.” – 2 Chronicles 33:12-13

With the Lord, forgiveness, grace, and mercy are only ever a sincere prayer away! King Manasseh was a really bad guy. His father had been one of the best and most godly kings of Judah. Unfortunately, as children sometimes do, Manasseh went in completely the opposite direction. A devoted pagan, Manasseh led God’s people away from their Lord and into the arms of false gods. Manasseh built shrines to false gods, desecrated God’s Temple, and sacrificed His own children to demons.

Then God took everything away from Manasseh… In a moment, he lost his wealth, his power, his country, and his freedom. Eventually, in the depths of despair, Manasseh humbled himself before God. Guess what? God was right there to forgive him! God didn’t hesitate. God didn’t make Manasseh do great works of penance to make up for his evil. God didn’t require Manasseh to prove himself in the eyes of the world. God knew that Manasseh’s prayer was genuine and He poured out His grace and mercy.

That’s what God loves to do! Always! You don’t have to be a fallen king to received God’s mercy and grace. He has declared for thousands of years that His essential nature is to be gracious and merciful, patient, loving, and faithful. God is always ready to pour out grace and mercy on those who have avoided Him, run from Him, or opposed Him. All anyone needs to receive it is a sincere heart crying out in faith for mercy in the name of Jesus. The Lord is God and He loves to reveal Himself in love, grace, and mercy. All we need to do is let go of our pride and humble ourselves before our Creator, confessing our sins and asking forgiveness for our rebellion. God is always faithful and quick to forgive. #FollowJesus

Lean On Me

“And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” – 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

God always gives you the power and strength to do what He’s called you to do in Jesus Christ. Always. No matter how impossible it might seem, God never asks His people to do anything without also giving them the spiritual power to do it. That power comes through His Holy Spirit. The moment you put your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, God’s Spirit seals you (marking you as permanently belonging to God). His Spirit also indwells you, meaning He lives in your heart. And He anoints you, declaring you clean from your sins, holy to Him, and commissioned to serve Him.

The mistake we tend to make is to then try to follow Jesus and obey God using our own strength. We try to reform ourselves with good intentions and self-discipline. We jump into serving God using our own energy and enthusiasm. Sooner or later, those things aren’t enough. If we’re trying to serve God in our strength, we eventually become exhausted, frustrated, burned out, and broken. When that happens, we question ourselves, question God, and doubt His will and goodness. Does this sound familiar??? It isn’t God’s fault – it’s ours! We ignored the resources He already gave us in the Holy Spirit.

Learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. That requires a very different way of doing life. A way of submission to God’s will and ways. A life committed to rejecting and fleeing sin while quickly repenting whenever you do stumble and fall into sin. A life of prayer and patient waiting on God. A life of listening for the Spirit’s direction and then obeying without hesitation when the Spirit gives that direction. When you do the work of God in the Spirit of God, there’s unimaginable power available to you. Yes, you! And peace. And joy.

The same Spirit Who empowered and sustained the Apostles lives in you. Are you living in His power as you #FollowJesus?