“But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.” – 2 Corinthians 3:16
For those who don’t yet trust in Christ, there is a “veil” preventing them from fully appreciating the beauty and glory of Scripture. People can know an enormous amount about the Bible, but to see its true glory, its elegance, and the logic and beauty of the salvation it describes in Jesus Christ is a spiritual activity. One must have trusted in Christ and received God’s Spirit to clearly see all that God’s Word has to offer.
If you’ve ever had the experience (either looking back at your own past or talking with someone else) where you or they totally didn’t understand a Bible passage that you (now) clearly understand, that’s the veil! The veil shields those who are still rebellious against God from the full glory of His gracious gift of revelation. However, once a person believes in Jesus, he or she has the Holy Spirit, the most important equipping needed to read the Bible effectively.
If you’re a believer, the veil has been removed! Are you living like that? Are you digging into the glorious truths of Scripture for yourself? Are you reading or listening to a good portion of God’s Word each day? Meditating on what it means and how it applies in your life? Searching for answers to your questions? Gathering with other believers to grow in your understanding? If you aren’t, you’re missing out on God’s love letter to you. You’re missing out on the main way God speaks to His people. And you’re missing out on a critical, God-given privilege and instrument of your own personal growth in Christ. Read God’s Word and #FollowJesus!