What is Real Leadership?

“It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” – Matthew 20:26

Today, we honor and celebrate the life, work, and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The movement he led made the world a better and more just place. Today also marks the peaceful transfer of political power in this country from one President to another. And so, it’s a particularly good day to remind ourselves of what Jesus commanded regarding leadership in His Kingdom.

For followers of Jesus, leadership isn’t about power. It isn’t about status. It isn’t about surrounding ourselves with people who must slavishly obey. It’s not about pleasing oneself. It’s about the opportunity to serve and bless those we lead. It’s about willingly following the example of Jesus, Who sacrificed His life for those He leads. Christian leaders must work tirelessly to reflect Christ Himself. Those who would change the world must clothe themselves in Christ’s humility, live by Christ’s wisdom, and be filled with Christ’s Spirit. They must commit themselves to pour out their lives for the betterment of everyone around them.

Christlike leadership is not for the faint of heart, the thin of skin, or the vain. Leading like Jesus involves dirty hands, sorrowful hearts, and exhausted and aching bodies. That is how a Christian leader influences, guides, and directs others for the glory of God. Not by their power or office but by their words, example, and influence. Leadership like that elevates everyone else, calling them into greater Christlikeness. As followers of Jesus, these qualities must always be what we look for and celebrate in a leader. It’s what we should expect and demand of our leaders. We should never accept or embrace any false substitute for these qualities within the Kingdom of God! #FollowJesus

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