Where Not to Place Your Trust

“For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.” – Matthew 24:5

Followers of Jesus must be extremely discerning about ANYONE making bold claims about themselves. Be wary of highly dynamic, exciting, charismatic individuals who claim (or have people claiming) they’ve been anointed by God (which is what Christ means). Reject the claims of anyone claiming to be some sort of Savior. In our modern era of instant global communication, it’s easy for a compelling individual to use familiar religious language and a big personality to gather huge followings online or in person. Even, or especially, among Christians.

The Bible repeatedly warns us not to be deceived by false prophets and messiahs. Obviously, God knows this will be a problem for us, so pay attention to these warnings! Jesus is absolutely coming back. When He does, His return will be as unmistakable as a bolt of lightning arcing across the night sky. He won’t be subtle and low-key like His first coming. You don’t have to worry about missing Jesus when He returns. Instead, be very, very careful about looking for Christ in all the wrong people and places. Don’t put your love, zeal, trust, or loyalty that should be reserved for Jesus toward anyone else.

If you find yourself becoming extremely excited about any human being, check yourself. Explore those feelings. Try to think objectively about that person. What has you so excited? Is it something appropriate for a human being or are you beginning to fall for a false messiah? Accept no substitutes! #FollowJesus

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