What Has Your Heart?

“Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.” – Acts 17:16

After fleeing to Athens, Paul had plenty of spare time while he waited for his friends to catch up. As he explored a grand old city full of temples and statues devoted to false gods, his spirit became stirred up. He was disturbed at the number of people who were spiritual but utterly blind and misguided in their efforts to connect with the eternal. So he began to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in a city that didn’t understand and didn’t particularly want to understand.

What about you? How is your spirit? We live in a culture that’s increasingly like that of ancient Athens. We’re surrounded by idols. Not so much temples and statues, but our culture has elevated many things into the place of God. Unimaginable wealth. Global fame. Dominant companies. Triumphant teams. Brilliant inventors. Powerful leaders. Militant movements. Self. Sex and sexuality. Great men of the past and present about whom we refuse to listen to any critique or criticism. Tidy versions of history we won’t permit to be completed or corrected. The list seems endless, idols are all around us!

Today’s idols aren’t made of marble but they have the same impact. They steal people’s energy devotion that should be directed toward God. They drive our emotions, making us happy or sad, angry or delighted far more than they should. We try to destroy anyone or anything that threatens them. What idols do you see as you look around? What idols might be living in your own heart? Are you as provoked about modern-day idols as Paul was? Will you respond as he did by pointing people to the place where they should truly find their identity, security, joy, peace, and satisfaction? #FollowJesus

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