Smell Like Jesus

“For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” – 2 Corinthians 2:15

What do you smell like today? Do you smell like Jesus or do you smell like everyone else? Obviously, this isn’t about your actual, physical smell… Paul is saying that those who are fully, faithfully following Jesus to the best of their Spirit-filled ability act, speak, and represent Jesus in the world. When people see them, they see Jesus. When they hear them, they hear Jesus. When they’re cared for by them, they’re cared for by Jesus. Genuine followers of Jesus are the sweet presence of Christ in a sour world. That’s what it means to be the aroma of Christ among the people of the world.

So, is that what you smell like today? Have you “put on the Lord Jesus” and submitted your life and this day to His Lordship? Have you died to yourself and committed to live for Jesus Christ? Will you carry the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control of Jesus into the world, no matter what comes your way? What can you do to be more like Jesus and less like your natural self as you go about your business today?

Paul goes on to say that not everyone will enjoy your smell if you truly smell like Jesus. For those on the path of sin and rejection of God, the aroma of Christ is a reminder of their final destination. It won’t be enjoyed. That doesn’t make it any less important! Don’t be afraid of how people will react to you, just focus on pleasing God as Christ’s presence wherever you go. Smell like Jesus as you #FollowJesus!