No Other Way

“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” – Galatians 1:8

It doesn’t matter who says it – if someone tells you a different way to be saved from your sins and reconciled to God – anything other than as a gift of God’s grace given through faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God – they’re under God’s curse. God’s curse!!! Writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul gives this warning to all Christians everywhere. Be on guard against “new revelations” about how to connect to God. Be on guard against supposed holy books delivered by spirits the writers believed to be angels (for example the Koran and the Book of Mormon). Be on guard against charismatic speakers and influencers offering a different take on the Gospel. They are all under God’s curse! Don’t join them!

Jesus made it very clear, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) No one means no one. There is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12) and that salvation comes by grace, not by our works, so we have nothing to boast about (Ephesians 2:8-9). Believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Word, the Son of God Who is God come in the flesh to rescue us through grace and truth (John 1:1-18).

There is no other gospel. There is no other way that leads to God the Father. Believe in the Son and obey Him. There are no short cuts and there is no self-salvation. Everyone and every thing that says otherwise is under God’s curse. Such “angels” are actually demons. Such “prophets” are false prophets. Such “teachers” are false teachers, wolves disguised a sheep to tear God’s people apart.

Know the truth. Know the Bible. Know Jesus. #FollowJesus

Live In Peace…No Matter What

“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” – 2 Corinthians 13:11

These words from Paul are good ones for our turbulent season! If you’re a follower of Jesus, let these words guide your relationships with others, particularly those with whom you disagree. Don’t let earthly matters fracture eternal relationships! If there’s a split, do everything you can to heal it. Be there for one another. Comfort one another in the face of setbacks, trials, and tragedies. Hear one another out and feel each other’s emotions. Laugh, cry, mourn, and love together.

Rejoice in the love and presence of Jesus. Live in peace, no matter what. The world may be chaotic but work hard to make your relationships an island of peace and calm, even when you don’t see eye to eye on things. God is the source of love and peace. Let His peace and love cover you as you navigate this fallen world. Let His love and peace flow out of you as you interact with people each and every day. #FollowJesus

The Importance of BE-ing

“For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”
But you were unwilling”

– Isaiah 30:15

In times of crisis, we often feel compelled to DO. What should I DO? What will you DO? What will we DO? What are you DOing? Are we DOing enough? Why aren’t you DOing more? What more could we DO?

Of course, there usually are things we should do. However, we need to be careful that we don’t get so busy frenetically solving problems in our own strength and resources that we lose sight of the One Who can ultimately resolve every crisis. God. Our Father in Heaven. Who loves us. Who knows and wants what’s best for us. Who can accomplish His will in every situation.

Here, God reminds us that for His people, it’s more important that we BE. BE quietly in His presence. BE listening for His word and guidance. BE trusting that He is still all-wise, all-good, all-powerful, and ever-present. BE at rest in His sheltering arms. For all the things we could or should DO, it’s vastly more important that we BE. BE children of God, loved by Him. BE focused on Him and how He wants us to respond to the situation. BE open to His ways which are infinitely beyond our ways.

The next time you face a difficult situation, don’t just DO. Consider what returning and rest in the Lord would look like. BE quiet and trusting. Don’t be surprised when God gives you strength and salvation beyond anything you could have imagined! #FollowJesus

Delighting in Times of Trial

“For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:10

In case you’re still laboring under any aspect of the lie that Christians shouldn’t/won’t experience suffering and hardship, please reflect on the life of the Apostle Paul! Paul was utterly devoted to the Lord. He poured out his adult life to advance the cause of Christ and spread the Gospel far and wide. And Paul suffered. Hunger and poverty, betrayal and abuse, persecution and disaster. Paul also suffered from some sort of “thorn in the flesh” that left him profoundly aware of his own weaknesses and limitations.

Paul clearly hated this thorn and begged God to take it away. His prayer was fervent and sincere and his faith was absolute. He knew, without a doubt, that God could heal him in an instant. However, the Lord had better plans for Paul. It was the Lord’s will for Paul to continue to be humbled by this problem. God not only said “No” to Paul’s prayer, He was clear that Paul’s suffering and weakness were going to be used for the glory of Jesus Christ!

Paul’s suffering continued so that Christ’s strength would be revealed through Paul’s weakness. By humbling Paul’s body, Jesus revealed His infinite power that lives within every faithful believer. Paul understood this and learned to delight in it. He was content in his weakness because He understood it revealed God’s power to a watching world.

Nearly everyone will one day experience and have to come to terms with weakness, age, disability, or illness. The question is whether we’ll be confused by it and how it could happen to a Christian or will we be empowered by it, drawing nearer to God in dependence on Him and allowing His power to be revealed. Understand the truth of what the Bible teaches about ailments, weakness, and suffering. Pray in faith for relief but learn to be content as God’s strength is revealed through your weakness. #FollowJesus

The Ultimate Peace

“You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.”

– Isaiah 26:3

There is a peace of God that surpasses all human understanding. God offers us peace that transcends every earthly circumstance. Supernatural peace can be yours no matter how chaotic or difficult the situations and circumstances of your life may be. That’s what Isaiah promises here and the Apostle Paul explains is the fruit of taking every concern, need, and desire to God in prayer with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:4-8).

When our mind is “stayed” on God – meaning that it’s fixed on Him no matter what, focused on Him despite any and all noise, distraction, and chaos – then the inexplicable and indescribable peace of God is ours. What a glorious promise – peace, no matter how challenging our situation in life! When we trust God more than we trust the voices of doom, gloom, and distress that surround us, then the peace of God is ours. Why? Because we know Who is in sovereign control and we trust both His perfect wisdom and His perfect goodness.

We see a brilliant illustration of this when Jesus invited Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the waves to Him. As long as Peter kept His eyes and mind focused on Jesus, he walked in peace on top of the water. As soon as his mind, eyes, and ears turned to the wind and the waves surrounding him, he began to sink. Is your mind stayed on Jesus? Are your thoughts anchored in God’s presence, power, and perfection?

Make that your goal. Work on that in your times of prayer, Bible meditation, and personal worship throughout the day and week. Be intentional about drawing near to God. Be purposeful to turn your mind onto Jesus throughout the day. Remind yourself that He is with you, loves you, and strengthens you. Talk to Him about your concerns and about the chaos. Don’t anchor your thoughts in your changing daily situation or circumstances. Anchor your thoughts in your unchanging Savior. #FollowJesus