The Importance of BE-ing

“For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”
But you were unwilling”

– Isaiah 30:15

In times of crisis, we often feel compelled to DO. What should I DO? What will you DO? What will we DO? What are you DOing? Are we DOing enough? Why aren’t you DOing more? What more could we DO?

Of course, there usually are things we should do. However, we need to be careful that we don’t get so busy frenetically solving problems in our own strength and resources that we lose sight of the One Who can ultimately resolve every crisis. God. Our Father in Heaven. Who loves us. Who knows and wants what’s best for us. Who can accomplish His will in every situation.

Here, God reminds us that for His people, it’s more important that we BE. BE quietly in His presence. BE listening for His word and guidance. BE trusting that He is still all-wise, all-good, all-powerful, and ever-present. BE at rest in His sheltering arms. For all the things we could or should DO, it’s vastly more important that we BE. BE children of God, loved by Him. BE focused on Him and how He wants us to respond to the situation. BE open to His ways which are infinitely beyond our ways.

The next time you face a difficult situation, don’t just DO. Consider what returning and rest in the Lord would look like. BE quiet and trusting. Don’t be surprised when God gives you strength and salvation beyond anything you could have imagined! #FollowJesus