The Ultimate Peace

“You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.”

– Isaiah 26:3

There is a peace of God that surpasses all human understanding. God offers us peace that transcends every earthly circumstance. Supernatural peace can be yours no matter how chaotic or difficult the situations and circumstances of your life may be. That’s what Isaiah promises here and the Apostle Paul explains is the fruit of taking every concern, need, and desire to God in prayer with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:4-8).

When our mind is “stayed” on God – meaning that it’s fixed on Him no matter what, focused on Him despite any and all noise, distraction, and chaos – then the inexplicable and indescribable peace of God is ours. What a glorious promise – peace, no matter how challenging our situation in life! When we trust God more than we trust the voices of doom, gloom, and distress that surround us, then the peace of God is ours. Why? Because we know Who is in sovereign control and we trust both His perfect wisdom and His perfect goodness.

We see a brilliant illustration of this when Jesus invited Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the waves to Him. As long as Peter kept His eyes and mind focused on Jesus, he walked in peace on top of the water. As soon as his mind, eyes, and ears turned to the wind and the waves surrounding him, he began to sink. Is your mind stayed on Jesus? Are your thoughts anchored in God’s presence, power, and perfection?

Make that your goal. Work on that in your times of prayer, Bible meditation, and personal worship throughout the day and week. Be intentional about drawing near to God. Be purposeful to turn your mind onto Jesus throughout the day. Remind yourself that He is with you, loves you, and strengthens you. Talk to Him about your concerns and about the chaos. Don’t anchor your thoughts in your changing daily situation or circumstances. Anchor your thoughts in your unchanging Savior. #FollowJesus