In the Meantime…

“My soul longs for your salvation;
I hope in your word.
My eyes long for your promise;
I ask, ‘When will you comfort me?’”

– Psalm 119:81-82

God works on His perfect timetable. Often that’s very, very different from our preferred timetable! We pray, we beg, we plead and then we wonder if or when God will move to change whatever hard situation we’re in. The answer is that God will move when and how is ultimately best in His perfect, eternal understanding of things. That’s considerably different than our limited, present understanding of those same things. When we’re tempted to doubt God, we need to be like the psalmist – longing and asking while continuing to hope in God’s word and promises.

God will often walk with us through difficult seasons far longer than we would prefer. This builds our faith and trust. It breaks our pride and self-sufficiency. It cultivates patience and reliance on the Lord rather than ourselves. It teaches us steadfastness and perseverance. It reveals the strength of God amidst our weakness and brokenness. It gives us needed time to do soul work, cleaning out some of our residual filth, sin, and self-centeredness.

So, when you’re longing for God to “fix” a hard season you’re enduring through, be patient. Be faithful and diligent in prayer. Wait well – spending extra time reading and meditating on the Bible. Draw near to God and recognize that intimacy with Him is eternally better than a short-term fix for your situation. Long for God’s promises but trust they will come in His perfect timing. Have strong, confident hope in God’s Word, His goodness, and His presence in your struggle and pain. Love God and love your neighbors, even when it’s hard. #FollowJesus