Truth…No Matter What!

“A man who bears false witness against his neighbor
is like a war club, or a sword, or a sharp arrow.”

– Proverbs 25:18

The Bible is crystal clear when it comes to lying about others – it’s a big deal to God, so don’t ever do it! Lying about someone violates one of the Ten Commandments. This proverb explains that it’s like attacking them with a sword, beating them with a club, or shooting them. If you’ve ever been the victim of lies told about you, you certainly know it’s true. The wounds aren’t physical but they’re deep and very painful.

Followers of Jesus MUST NOT tell or participate in lies about people. We must not speak lies, write lies, post lies, tweet lies, like lies, or share lies. We will be held accountable by God for every loose, careless, cruel, or false word we speak. We must walk with total integrity. We must speak up for those being lied about, no matter what it costs us personally. We must speak the truth about people, even those we don’t like, no matter what it costs us personally. Popularity, friendships, opportunities, promotions – we must be willing to let go of them all to maintain our integrity before the Lord.

Nobody can take your integrity from you. However, it can be very, very tempting to give up your integrity for some real or imagined benefit. Don’t do it. Don’t become a weapon of the devil. Serve the God of truth in complete truth. #FollowJesus