“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6
While Paul is specifically talking about giving financially to support God’s work, this principle applies equally well to all of our spiritual habits. If we’re stingy toward God with our time, energy, emotion, and devotion we close ourselves off to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in us. On the other hand, if we throw ourselves into joyful worship, deep Bible study, extended prayer time, committed service, sacrificial giving, eager evangelism, and genuine fellowship with other believers, we will reap enormous blessings of spiritual growth!
When we devote ourselves to drawing near to God and become more like Jesus in the power of His Spirit, we will achieve those goals in time. We will experience closeness to our Creator and be increasingly transformed into the likeness of His Son. When we hold ourselves back, budgeting out the limited portion of time and energy we’re willing to give God, then we will experience little of the abundant life Jesus came to give us. That’s the Law of Sowing and Reaping.
What are you sowing for the Lord? What’s your level of investment in Kingdom living? How generous are you toward God with your time? With your talent and energy? With your earthly treasure? Are you measured? Have you put God on a tight budget? If so, how’s that working out for you???
If you’ve been listening to the world’s advice about how to keep more time and energy for yourself rather than giving it to the Lord, try accepting Jesus’ invitation to deny yourself, take up your cross, and #FollowJesus. You will likely discover an amazing crop of blessings when you do! If you already have, why don’t you share your story in the comments…