The Gift of Work

“But as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger;” – 2 Corinthians 6:4-5

On this Labor Day, it’s helpful to remember that God created and ordained work before mankind fell into sin. Work was created to be a gift, a source of satisfaction, and significant for the Lord. Our ancestors’ fall into sin brought a curse upon work, so that it isn’t always as pleasant or fulfilling as God created it to be. Nonetheless, honest labor remains honorable, glorifying to God, and a blessing that helps provide for oneself and others. It is good when we can take pleasure in good work done well for the glory of God.

As Christians, we’re further invited into the challenging but fulfilling labor of God’s Kingdom. We’re called to make disciples as we go about our lives. Some people are specially called to devote themselves full-time to Kingdom work, as Paul describes. However, every Christian is called into God’s work. In the labor of the Lord you will find joy and probably some heartache, significance and sometimes suffering, purpose and the presence of God. Don’t avoid His work. Embrace it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in God’s invitation to labor and trust in His blessing of your efforts on His behalf. #FollowJesus