Step Up and Step Out

“And the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go over and join this chariot.’” – Acts 8:29

Once again, would you go??? An angel told Philip to walk away from a thriving ministry in Samaria and head out to the desert. Upon reaching the lonely road to which he had been directed, Philip saw the chariot and entourage of a wealthy and powerful official from Ethiopia. It was then that the Holy Spirit prompted Philip to step right up to the chariot and Philip ran to it.

God’s Spirit still guides and prompts His people. Are you listening? Will you obey? Would you go? As you draw near to God in prayer, worship, meditation, and fellowship, He will speak to you. Verses will stand out. Ideas from God will fill your mind. When you still the many voices competing for access to your mind (TV, social media, entertainment, etc.) and clear out any sin that may be hindering you from hearing, God’s still small voice will begin to give you guidance about where to go, what to do, and even who to talk to. But are you listening? Do you actually go when He says go and talk to those He points you toward?

If God’s Spirit speaks to you but you don’t listen and obey, His voice will typically become harder and harder to hear. You will have “quenched the Spirit” as Paul warned against. On the other hand, as you begin to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit you will experience delight and wonder. You will discover just how intimately involved in your life your Father in Heaven really is. You’ll discover just how concerned for His Kingdom and glory Jesus is and how He’s regularly inviting you to be part of that. There is such joy to be had in obeying the Spirit’s nudging and discovering that God really is with you, guiding you to accomplish His purpose. Will you go? #FollowJesus