“Brothers and fathers, hear me. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, and said to him, ‘Go out from your land and from your kindred and go into the land that I will show you.’” – Acts 7:2-3
Would you go??? If God asked of you what He asked of Abraham, would you go? Would you leave your home, your community, your extended family, and your country behind to do God’s will? Abraham did and it changed the world!
This was a crucial first step in God’s plan to bring salvation to all the nations of the world through Jesus Christ. In a very real sense, you know Christ because when God commanded Abraham to go, Abraham went in an act of radical obedience. Radical obedience is the repeated pattern of Abraham’s life. That’s why he played such an important role in establishing God’s people and advancing God’s plan of salvation. God uses radical obedience to change the world!
Would you go? Most followers of Jesus won’t ever be asked to do anything as radical as what Abraham was asked to do (and did). However, Jesus invites every one of us to take up our cross each day, making sacrifices for Him. Jesus invites you to choose to do what He wants you to do rather than what you want to do. He invites you to follow Him wherever He leads. We’re each called to radical obedience in the service of King Jesus. You’re called to radical obedience.
You may not be called to move for Jesus, but you’re definitely called to make disciples in the way God has prepared and gifted you to do. We’re all called to experience inconvenience and the releasing of our plans to embrace God’s better plans. We’re all called to #FollowJesus and enjoy the blessing of a life spent in God’s will. Will you???