Why Worry?

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:34

These words of Jesus certainly resonate in our anxious time! Jesus knew we’d always have stuff to worry about. The future will always feel uncertain until He returns. He knew that worries about the future could easily distract us, overwhelm us, or paralyze us. That’s why He commands us to focus on today rather than worry about tomorrow.

Throughout the Bible, God repeatedly emphasizes and illustrates how He provides for His people day-by-day (not week-by-week, month-by-month, or year-by-year). He provided enough manna in the wilderness for that day but the people weren’t allowed to store up extra. The Lord’s Prayer asks for daily bread, not weekly bread or a Costco supply of bread to put in the freezer.

Here Jesus comes right out and commands us to stop borrowing trouble from the future. There’s nothing wrong with planning for the future – that’s appropriate and Jesus commends that elsewhere. But don’t WORRY about future things you can’t control. If you can’t influence the outcome, leave it in God’s capable hands. Don’t borrow trouble. Don’t pull worry from the future into the present. It won’t help the future but it can certainly ruin your experience of the present.

When worry stalks your mind, redirect your thoughts toward Christ. Spend time with Him in prayer, Bible reading, and meditation. Turn your anxieties and fears over to Him in great detail if you need to. Ask Him for what you need today (physically, emotionally, spiritually). Then trust that when you come back tomorrow, He’ll still be there listening and loving you just the same. Train your mind to live in the present and the presence of Christ. Don’t let the voices that influence you (media, social media, your own thoughts, the people around you) send your mind off anxiously fearing tomorrow. Jesus will be there then too! #FollowJesus

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