Walking in the Light

“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” – Ephesians 5:8

If Jesus is your Lord, this is your reality! As a blood-bought child of God, you ARE light. Before you knew and believed in Jesus, you were filled with the darkness of sin. Like it or not, that’s how everyone is until they trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. However, if you’ve made that decision, then you truly are light in Christ. Your sins have been forgiven. You have a new nature. You have eternal life. You are sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Jesus lives in you. You are light in the Lord!

Do you live like that’s true? Do you walk – each and every day – as a child of light rather than a child of darkness? Followers of Jesus must not live and act the way they did before they believed. They should not think or talk the way non-believers do. Do you?

Christians must make the intentional choice to truly follow Jesus in the power of His Spirit. To reject sin in their lives and pursue holiness. To do what the Bible commands and not do what it forbids. To devote themselves to the service and advancement of God’s Kingdom here on earth. To make disciples of Jesus. To love God and neighbor, doing such wonderful good works that non-believers notice and praise God. Are you walking as a child of light? #FollowJesus

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