The Real Battle

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12

If you are a faithful and growing Christian intent on following Jesus then you will experience some of these same supernatural wrestlings! In our evidence-driven, rationalistic Western culture, we radically underestimate the realities of spiritual warfare! Some (or perhaps most) of the struggles you experience within yourself and in the world around you have a spiritual dimension.

Simply put, the devil doesn’t want you following Jesus. He doesn’t want you growing in Christ. He doesn’t want you making an impact on the world to advance God’s Kingdom. He doesn’t want you demonstrating the love of Jesus to others. He doesn’t want you sharing Christ with those who need to hear. And the devil will fight back! He will place obstacles in your way, stoke conflicts with others, try to deliver demoralizing defeats, whisper lies into your ears and into the ears of people who talk about you. He will use any dirty trick to keep you from living out the purpose for which God made you! Don’t let the devil stop you!

As you do the Lord’s work in your daily life, realize that you really aren’t battling people. Much of the time you’re battling the devil working in and through people. Don’t despair! Don’t get discouraged! Don’t grow weary of doing good when it becomes difficult. Draw nearer to God and put on the armor He has given you. The truth of the Gospel and who you are in Jesus Christ. The certainty of your salvation. The faith that Christ is present in and with you. The righteousness that is already yours in Christ. Let God’s peace calm your troubled soul. Wrap yourself in God’s truth and prepare to do spiritual battle using the words of Scripture. #FollowJesus

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