Lament What Was But Embrace What Is

“But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy.” – Ezra 3:12

Isn’t it interesting how two groups of people could see the same thing and respond in such different ways? The faithful remnant that had endured exile in Babylon and returned to Jerusalem came together and laid the foundation for a new Temple in which to worship God. This was their number one job upon returning home. Most of the people there were excited. They’d worked hard and the foundation was finished. Soon (they thought), there would be a fine temple in which to worship God. So, they shouted with joy.

However, the older members of the group remembered how big and beautiful the first Temple had been. They knew the rebuilt Temple was pitiful compared to what had once stood in that place. They wept with sorrow for what had been lost. Neither group was wrong in their feelings. But here’s the thing…. The first Temple was gone. It was in the past and it wasn’t coming back. However, God was in the present and He was worthy of worship! It was reasonable to lament the old Temple’s destruction but that lament couldn’t be permitted to discourage or hold back the returned exiles from building the new, lesser, Temple.

The size or beauty of the Temple was much less important than its purpose. It was being built to worship the Living God of the Universe. While His Temple might have changed and diminished, God hadn’t. He had sustained the faithful through 70 years of exile and brought them home under the blessing and permission of a pagan king. God was, and is, worthy of all worship, no matter how humble or grand the building.

This is important to remember in our own time. Sometimes we can be tempted to live in the past that we remember as being much better than the diminished present. Even if that’s actually true, we must not let our mourning for the past keep us from investing our energy in worshiping and serving God right now. Even if we lament what once was, we must fully embrace what is and what is about to be for the glory of God here and now. God is the great I AM – He is eternally present. It is in the present that we should commit and #FollowJesus

Prayer Matters!

“And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.” – Revelation 8:4

Revelation provides a vivid assurance of an important truth – prayer matters! The prayers of the saints are constantly rising up to God. These are the prayers offered up by every single person who has been born again through faith in Jesus Christ. If Jesus is your Lord, then you are one of God’s saints. Your prayers rise up from wherever you make them all the way to God.

Prayer is real. It’s effective. It’s important. Your prayers are an offering to your Father in Heaven. They are a sacrifice and offering in which God delights. They are intimate, personal communication between a child and their Father that deepens their relationship. Don’t doubt the power of prayer. You may go through seasons where you feel like your prayers aren’t being heard, valued, or responded to. You may feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. However, these are just feelings and feelings lie!

Let this verse encourage you that your prayers are always being heard and appreciated by the Creator of the Universe. Be encouraged about prayer and devote more time each day to praying to your God and Father. Jesus valued prayer so much that He got up early in the morning and went to lonely, dark places to spend more time in prayer. #FollowJesus in intentionally growing and deepening your prayer life – God is listening!

Who He Really Is

“And one of the elders said to me, ‘Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.’” – Revelation 5:5

King Jesus once again enters the vision of Revelation. Here, the ultimate reality of who He is is expressed in terms of ancient promises from God the Father. Jesus fulfills them all! Jesus is the Lion of Judah, the ruling king descended from Judah that was prophesied by Jacob on his deathbed in Genesis 49. Jesus is the eternal king descended from King David promised in Isaiah 11. All God’s promises are yes and amen in Jesus!

Jesus has conquered sin, death, and the devil, living a perfect life free of all sin despite every temptation. He voluntarily died and on the third day, physically rose from the dead before later ascending to Heaven. He alone is worthy to break open the scroll with its seals to begin God’s final judgment on this fallen world and usher in its renewal. Jesus is worthy and because He is, God’s plan will be fulfilled in His perfect timing.

As the celebration of the birth of Jesus draws near, remember that He didn’t stay a tiny baby in a manger. Today, He is the king over all things. Jesus, the Lion of Judah, the Lamb of God rules and reigns from Heaven. Rejoice and celebrate in His victory. Eagerly anticipate His glorious return and the Second Advent. #FollowJesus

Beauty Beyond Description

“And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald.” – Revelation 4:3

John was given a glimpse of God on His throne. Here you can feel his struggle to describe what he saw in human words! God is so majestic, so beautiful, so infinitely awesome that we simply don’t have language that can describe Him as He truly is. And yet, John had to try. He was inspired to use words about radiantly beautiful, sparkling gemstones rich in vivid color. He combines these with the iridescent beauty of a rainbow.

Do we know exactly what these words actually mean as a description of God? No, and that isn’t important. Don’t puzzle over the meaning. FEEL what John is describing. Feel God’s beauty! That’s the gift given to us through John, an opportunity to imagine and feel the infinite, overwhelming, and indescribable awesomeness and beauty of our Creator as we will one day see Him for ourselves!

Take time right now to imagine this scene. In your mind’s eye, kneel before God’s throne and try to feel and imagine God as you will see Him if Jesus is your Lord. Let the things of your daily life fade into insignificance as you dwell on the unlimited awesomeness of your Father in Heaven! #FollowJesus

Answer the Door

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” – Revelation 3:20

Take a moment to think about this verse. This is the extraordinary offer of the Gospel! Jesus Christ, the Lord and sustainer of the universe, knocks on our door. He doesn’t sit back and wait for us to come to Him the way most people in power do. He comes to us. He comes to us. Jesus comes to us personally. He knocks on our door. If we invite Him in, He sits down with us and eats with us. Jesus eats with us as a peer and friend! He shares the intimacy of table fellowship. He listens to our stories of the day, our worries and fears, our victories and defeats. He laughs with us, cries with us, and wipes away our tears.

That’s what it is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It means enjoying a relationship of friendship, love, and intimacy that never ends. That’s what it is to invite others to believe in Jesus. When you tell someone about Jesus, you aren’t burdening them. You’re inviting them to friendship with Jesus. You’re hoping that they’ll open the door and enjoy eating with God in the flesh just like you do. You’re blessing them by helping them hear and respond to the knock on their door by Jesus.

In the busyness of your daily life, be sure to make time to simply enjoy being with Jesus. Then be sure you are actively inviting others to experience that same joy. #FollowJesus