The Unseen Fruit

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

We don’t always see the fruit of what we do for the Lord. We don’t always know what our efforts and gifts accomplish for God’s Kingdom. We often have no idea what impact our sharing of the gospel has. Sometimes we question whether the time we spend teaching or investing in others was wasted. Never doubt the value of what you did! In the Lord, your labor is never wasted!

God uses all of your good works on His behalf for His glory. When we serve the Lord, build the church, share the gospel, or teach the young we’re dealing with eternal things. Someone you impact today can, in turn, impact countless future generations. The disciple you make may go onto make thousands of disciples who make disciples. Seeds you plant today may not bear fruit for years but when they do, it’s eternal fruit! You can’t begin to imagine everyone that your service to the Lord impacts down through future generations, but it’s fun to think about!

Even the things you do that appear to have been wasted or misguided will be used by God. He will often use those “failures” to change, refine, and mature you, teaching you deep lessons in faith, obedience, and perseverance. Everything you’ve ever done for the Lord is preparation for what He has prepared for you to do now and in the future. Trust this truth! Don’t grow weary of doing good for the Lord! Stay energized, steadfast, and rock-solid in pouring out your time, talent, and treasure as you #FollowJesus!

Raised in Glory

“Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.” – 1 Corinthians 15:49

Right now, our bodies are like Adam’s was. When Jesus returns, our bodies will be raised to life and transformed to be like His. Right now, our bodies age, ache, weaken, become ill, break down, betray us, and ultimately give out. When Jesus returns, our bodies will be free of the effects of age, disease, disability, and death. There will be no more pain, no more illness, no more weakness. Our bodies will be like Christ’s resurrected body in other ways we can’t yet understand, but it will be glorious!

How will this work? Some things we can’t fully understand. Paul explained that just as a seed is planted and what grows out of the ground is very different, it will be the same for us when our bodies are raised in glory. However, what Paul emphasizes here and in other Scriptures is that we are naturally descended from Adam and affected by his sin and God’s curse for that rebellion. However, Jesus came to reverse what Adam did. Adam brought separation but Jesus brought reconciliation. Adam brought sin but Jesus brought forgiveness. Adam brought death but Jesus brought life to those who embrace Him.

And so, if Jesus is your Lord, then while your body is like Adam’s now, it will one day be like that of Jesus. Your glorified body will be sinless and undamaged by sin. You will live forever like Jesus. Perhaps you will be able to come and go like Jesus. You will be able to stand in the presence of God the Father like Jesus. It will be glorious beyond imagination! Rejoice in both your present and future situation in Christ and #FollowJesus

The Mission is Greater Than You or Me

“Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.” – 1 Corinthians 15:6

Jesus rose from the dead. Paul wants us to understand that he and we have devoted our lives to a historical fact. Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God, was crucified, dead, and buried. Then, He physically rose from the dead. This isn’t a fairy tale, a hallucination, or a legend created after the fact. This was a historical event that his early readers could verify by talking to any of the hundreds of witnesses who saw Jesus alive. Who saw Him eat. Who touched Him or saw others touch Him. Paul is essentially challenging skeptics to go check things out for themselves because there were so many eyewitnesses to the resurrected Jesus still alive at the time.

This truth is vitally important as chapter 15 explains. The physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the central event of our faith. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, neither will we. Because Jesus rose, we who believe in Him will also rise to eternal life. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, His sacrifice wasn’t sufficient to pay the penalty for our sins. Because Jesus rose, we who believe in Him are forgiven our sins and set free from guilt and shame. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then we have no long-term future and should just maximize physical pleasure on earth. Because Jesus rose, our future is eternal and our greatest rewards will be in God’s presence.

Because Jesus rose, we who believe in Him have a purpose for our lives – to proclaim hope and make disciples. This mission is worth any amount of inconvenience, sacrifice, danger, and even the risk of death. This mission is greater than any person or any church because Jesus is alive and He wants many others to live with Him forever! #FollowJesus

God Isn’t Hiding

“And all Judah rejoiced over the oath, for they had sworn with all their heart and had sought him with their whole desire, and he was found by them, and the Lord gave them rest all around.” – 2 Chronicles 15:15

God isn’t hiding! While He seldom forces Himself on those who aren’t interested in Him, He’s always ready to embrace anyone who sincerely looks for Him. Over and over in Scripture, God promises that if we seek Him with our whole heart, we will find Him. Under King Asa, the nation of Judah sought the Lord and found Him. Their reward was peace that surpasses all understanding.

Romans 10:13 promises that everyone who sincerely calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. In this verse, an entire country sought the Lord and found Him, swearing a renewed oath of loyalty to the Lord as their God. Let us pray for such an awakening in our own community and country!!! Pray for the day when people by the thousands and millions will call on the name of the Lord, crying out with a genuine hunger to know their Creator. When they do, they will find Him in the person and presence of Jesus.

God isn’t hiding. He is preparing for another great awakening. Pray for that to begin. Work diligently to make it happen through your own efforts to share the love and good news of Jesus Christ. #FollowJesus

God’s Wisdom > Human Cunning

“And he did evil, for he did not set his heart to seek the Lord.” – 2 Chronicles 12:14

Leadership is no place for half-hearted godliness! King Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, only turned to God when he was scared. The rest of the time, he lived by his own ideas and opinions, and those of his foolish advisors. The results were disastrous for Israel! The kingdom was divided, invaded, looted, and subjugated to Pharaoh of Egypt. Every time Rehoboam grudgingly turned to God, the Lord was gracious toward him. But Rehoboam couldn’t stay focused on following God for very long. So much was lost because of the king’s half-hearted faith!

None of us live in ancient Israel today. The covenant of grace we live by under Lord Jesus is different from the covenant of law Rehoboam was under. Nonetheless, this principle hasn’t changed. Every nation benefits when it has genuinely godly leadership. We’re all commanded to pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2:2). Make time, today and every day, to pray for leaders at every level of government to turn their hearts fully toward God. Pray for them to receive and follow God’s wisdom rather than human cunning. Be faithful in these prayers, for our broken world and broken political systems surely need this! #FollowJesus