“He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ).” – John 1:41
When you tell someone about Jesus, you never know how they will respond. Maybe they will believe, maybe they won’t. You also don’t know what sort of impact that possible new believer may go on to have for God’s Kingdom. For all that Andrew did in his life of service to Jesus, the most impactful thing might have been the first thing he ever did. He told his brother Simon (Peter) that Jesus was the Messiah and introduced him to the Lord.
Peter grew into the spokesmen for the Apostles, the closest follower of Jesus, the leader of the early church, and an author of Scripture. God used Peter to start the church in Jerusalem and to clearly welcome non-Jews into the faith. Peter paved the way for Paul’s missionary work. Andrew’s one simple act of sharing Christ with a loved one has rippled across countless generations and impacted eternity in ways beyond our comprehension. Of course, Andrew had a dynamic ministry of his own and introduced the faith to many in the ancient world. But introducing Peter to the Lord? That changed the course of the world!
What might God do through someone you introduce to Jesus? You simply don’t know, but it’s wonderful to imagine! Always believe that your faithfulness in telling people about Jesus might be used by God to raise up the next great evangelist, theologian, missionary, or church planter. Or to raise up the person who will quietly share Jesus with that person. Consider every person you share your faith with to have the potential of leading many to Christ, transforming families for generations, and leading nations to the Lord. Pray that this will be true. Then share your hope in Christ and tell people how to #FollowJesus