Yes, You Can Have it ALL

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8

All grace…all sufficiency…all things…all times…every good work. What’s the point Paul’s making? God will enable you to do more and more good works for Him as you yield yourself in obedience to do those works. As you pour yourself out for Him, He will refill you faster than you can pour. As you let go of your limited thinking about what you “can” do, God will provide grace to do far more through you than you imagine possible. To bless more. To reach more. To save more.

God will abundantly bless you as you joyfully and sacrificially obey and bless Him. That blessing will encourage, inspire, and empower you to be even more emphatically, outrageously, even “dangerously” obedient and generous with the time, talent, and treasure God has given you. There is a virtuous cycle of blessing, a pouring out of grace, that God delights in when you yield yourself to become a delighted means of grace for others.

All that to say, give generously to the work of God’s Kingdom. Give more generously of your time than our culture of “balance” and “self-care” recommends. Find ways to give more outrageously of your talent than our culture of “getting paid” encourages. Give more joyfully of your earthly treasures (whether they be large or small) than “prudence” would dictate. Then see what God does next. He will bless you! He will cause grace to abound toward you. What that may look like can’t be predicted. But that it will happen is promised. Trust that when you give more than “you should” – of time, talent, and treasure – God will makes fools of those wise voices of restraint and pour out amazing grace upon you. #FollowJesus

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