Beyond Limited Options

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.” – Exodus 14:21

God always has the power to create new paths, alternatives, and options. His creativity isn’t limited like ours. He isn’t constrained by our best ideas. So, whenever you’re confronted with a seemingly impossible situation and only bad alternatives, trust the Lord. Don’t give in to despair. Don’t become overwhelmed by the limited and terrible options you think are available. Pray. Listen for God’s leading. If, and when, it comes, go down the path He directs, wherever it appears to lead. Don’t hesitate. God may just create a path you didn’t know was possible.

During the Exodus, the Israelites fell into despair. They thought their only options were slavery or death. God made a third path. Forward. Through a divided sea and into freedom. Likewise, Mary and Martha fell into despair when their brother Lazarus was sick. They thought the only alternatives were for Jesus to come quickly or death. Jesus made a third path. Forward. Through death and back to life.

Certainly those are extraordinary examples. However, God can do the same in your “ordinary life” (not that there’s any such thing for those who are in Christ!) We can easily assume that because we’re smart, experienced, talented, defeated, broken, unimportant, or whatever that the only possible alternatives are the bad ones we’ve come up with. God can make another path. Forward. He does it quite often. However, if He’s going to do it, we must put a pause to our despair. Pray. Seek His leadership. Then follow Him wherever and however He tells you to move. Forward. #FollowJesus

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