The Great Reversal

“And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” – Luke 13:30

Don’t let earthly appearances fool you about eternal realities! For those welcomed into God’s Kingdom as a gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ, there will be some startling reversals of situation. Some of the “best and brightest” here on earth will enjoy relatively humble situations eternally. Make no mistake, they will absolutely enjoy those circumstances. Everyone in Heaven will be fully, joyfully satisfied there, but it would still be surprising to earthly observers to see “famous” Christians enjoying humble eternal situations. Meanwhile, some who labored anonymously for God’s Kingdom amidst poverty, persecution, and suffering will be serving in prominent roles for all eternity.

This great reversal should be an encouragement to every follower of Jesus. Simply be faithful to whatever God has gifted and called you to do for Him. It doesn’t matter what your titles are at work or in the church. It doesn’t matter what your bank balance is or the size of your following on social media. God knows what you’re doing for Him and why. He sees your faithfulness and it will be rewarded. Those who are faithful stewards over the gifts and responsibilities they’re given here on earth will be rewarded with immeasurably greater rewards and responsibilities in heaven.

On the other hand, if you aren’t feeling all that faithful about your service to the Lord, now is always the best time to turn over a new leaf! Lean more into understanding and obeying God’s Word. Get engaged in Kingdom prayer, particularly for those who don’t yet know Jesus as Lord. Find ways to faithfully and sacrificially serve and contribute to God’s Kingdom, regardless of whether or not anyone else notices. Share your hope in Christ with those lacking hope. Anticipate and live for the joy of Jesus, your Master. #FollowJesus

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