What? Me Worry?

“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” – Luke 12:25-26

Do you tend to worry? If so, please take these words of Jesus to heart. He doesn’t want you worrying. Worrying wastes time and emotional energy thinking about things you can’t control. Worry is a thief that robs your ability to enjoy the present as you stress about the future. As Jesus points out here, being anxious about things can’t add an hour to your life (but it may shorten it). It certainly makes your life less enjoyable. So try not to worry.

If you can’t control something or influence it’s outcome, there’s truly no value in thinking about it. Other than to pray about it. Prayer is your God-given antidote to worry. Why? Because it transfers your concern about something you can’t do anything about to the One Who can do everything about it. By prayer and supplication, you appeal to the all-powerful sovereign God of the universe. Unlike you, He has the power to change that situation or to work it to your good in some way you couldn’t have imagined. And, He has your best interest in heart! So, rather than pointless worry, invest your time and energy into powerful prayer.

Then let that situation go. By prayer you’ve not only done ALL you can possibly do to help the situation, you’ve done the MOST IMPORTANT and POWERFUL thing you can do to influence it. Try hard to discipline your mind to simply not think about that worrisome future. Focus on the present. Be mindful of each moment and enjoy it. See God at work in it. Love those around you. Count your blessings. Try to keep the thief of worry locked out of your mind. #FollowJesus

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