The Crown Jewel of Creation

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” – Genesis 2:7

People matter! That means YOU matter! God created everything else we see by speaking it into existence. But people are different. In a good way! God created mankind not by word but by action. He formed us from dust and breathed life into us Himself. We alone are made in God’s image. This is why human beings, weird as we are, are the crown jewels of God’s creation.

Yes, we’ve damaged ourselves and our image-bearing through sin. That’s why God sent His Son Jesus to restore us to righteousness and a relationship of love with Him. Because people matter. Every person matters. You are precious to God! He has numbered the individual hairs on your head and knows the smallest details of your life. God loves you more than you can comprehend and gave His Son for your salvation.

God is calling you to a closer relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. If Jesus isn’t already your Savior, make that decision today! If Jesus is your Savior, then take up your cross and devote yourself to more closely obeying and becoming like Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Always remember that you bear God’s image. The life you have and the breath you breathe flows out of God Himself. Rejoice in your exalted status and your relationship with your Creator through Jesus. #FollowJesus

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