“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” – John 4:24
Do you worship God in spirit and truth? Think carefully about your answer, both when you worship the Lord privately on your own and when you gather with other believers to worship the Living God.
Are you actively, intentionally worshiping in the power of the Holy Spirit? Are you confessing any sin beforehand and refusing to quench the Holy Spirit’s work? Are you leaning into the words of worship (spoken, sung, read) in your spirit? Are you allowing your soul to be moved? Are you permitting yourself to respond to any conviction or prompting of the Spirit during and after the worship? Is your spirit fully focused on God during worship or is it wandering around, looking critically at your fellow worshippers? That’s what it means to worship in Spirit.
Are you truly worshiping with total integrity? That’s what it means to worship in truth. Worshipping in truth means really loving and responding to God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Not napping. Not planning your afternoon. Not reviewing your shopping list. Not being entertained by the worship team. Are you singing the songs with the energy of your body and the engagement of your mind? Are you making your offering with an awareness that you are offering your gift to the Lord of the Universe? Are you praying along with the prayers with thought and intentionality? Are you engaging your mind, heart, and soul with the words of the sermon, the reading of Scripture, the testimonies of the saints? That’s what it means to worship in truth. #FollowJesus