“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
Think about these words carefully…. If you are in Christ, meaning that He is your Lord and Savior Who lives in union with you, then you are a new creation. Entirely. When Jesus rescued you from your sins, He didn’t just perform some minor repairs or a modest renovation of your heart. He didn’t improve you or give you a makeover. He made you an entirely “new creation”. As in, the way creation was made to be – holy, walking with God, very good, flawless in His eyes.
In Christ, you have an entirely new nature. Your old nature that was enslaved to sin and eternally separated from the holiness of God has died. While sin certainly can tempt you, it cannot rule you (at least not without your permission). Though death will come to you, it cannot hold you. You will rise. While you will sin from time to time, your sin will not define you. You are NEW CREATION! You are a new person in Christ Jesus. You have died with Him and been raised with Him. You are already seated with Him in heaven and you will get to enjoy an eternity of learning more about God’s limitless grace and mercy.
Whatever you were before Jesus ruled your heart, that’s gone in the eyes of Jesus. Whatever mistakes you made, sins you committed, failures you experienced, those are gone. The old HAS passed away. The new HAS come. #FollowJesus