The Problem With Leaven

“And he cautioned them, saying, ‘Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.’” – Mark 8:15

This warning from Jesus remains extremely relevant even though the Pharisees and Herod are long gone. Jesus often used the image of leaven (or yeast) mixed into dough to illustrate the powerful effect even small things can have on the whole. It doesn’t take much leaven to turn plain old flour and water into excellent dough for bread. A little leaven has an enormous and transformative impact. That includes the leaven of sinful mindsets that easily infect the followers of Jesus.

The leaven of the Pharisees is the temptation to add man-made rules and the mandatory following of human traditions to the practice of our faith. It’s the temptation to take back control over salvation from God’s limitless grace and instead make ourselves feel self-righteous through “good” behavior while relentlessly finding fault in others for their “bad” behavior. This is a constant temptation for God’s people! As followers of Jesus, we’re called to live holy lives in obedience to God’s commands. But are we doing that out of love and gratitude for God’s grace which we’ve already received? Or do we secretly think we’re somehow making ourselves more acceptable to God, more loved by Him, and more deserving of His grace? The leaven of the Pharisees easily and invisibly infects the attitude behind the good things we do and the eyes with which we view other people as they struggle with sin in their lives. Take some time right now to prayerfully look for the leaven of the Pharisees in your heart and mind…

The leaven of Herod pulls us in the opposite direction. It’s about falling in line with the powers and culture of this fallen world. Herod was a political creature who knew how to work the system of the Roman Empire for power, influence, and wealth. Those aligned with Herod enjoyed the sinful delights of Greco-Roman life rather than the delights of holy lives devoted to God. This also easily infects followers of Jesus! When we become overly concerned with political power. When we’re willing to compromise the character and commands of Jesus to gain (or keep) influence or protect our prosperity or social standing. When we surrender to the sinful delights of a culture drunk on sex, money, cruelty, and endless entertainment. Take some time right now to prayerfully look for the leaven of Herod in your heart and mind… Then #FollowJesus

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