The Ultimate Pardon

“But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it.” – Romans 3:21

Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God’s righteousness. He is the one the Old Testament Law and prophets spoke of often and consistently pointed toward. In Him, all of God’s sinless holiness, grace, mercy, love, patience, faithfulness, kindness, and justice are made visible to the world. We see and better understand God and His nature when we read about Jesus in the Bible. Not only does Jesus perfectly display God’s righteousness, He makes that righteousness available to everyone who believes in Him.

Paul goes on to explain how everyone who entrusts his or her life to Jesus as Lord is declared to be not guilty by God. Because Jesus took all the guilt and endured all the righteous punishment for our sins on the cross, when we put our faith in Him, His perfect righteousness is declared to belong to us. Furthermore, Paul explains there is no other way to be made righteous apart from faith in Jesus. No…other…way!!!

Take time to meditate on Jesus today. He isn’t just an amazing person full of profound wisdom and performing extraordinary miracles. He is the righteousness of God become flesh and made visible for everyone to see. Moreover, He is the only path to righteousness for anyone on earth. If you are in Him, you are truly righteous and clean in the eyes of God. However, many around you probably haven’t yet made that decision of faith and been made righteous. Pray for them, then be intentional about inviting them to #FollowJesus

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